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Restaurant Hand Held Terminals – An Overview


The History of Hand Held Terminals in Restaurants

The desire for restaurant hand held terminals and wireless restaurant software has been around since the invention of the electronic cash registers in the 1980’s. When restaurateurs saw the power of the electronic cash register how it stored and recalled orders, how it dispersed orders to various kitchen and preparation printers and how it helped control the flow of the restaurant the desire to have this power in the palm of your hand has been there. It is only recently that technology caught up to the demand.

In the 1990’s a couple of companies introduced hand held terminals to restaurants with limited success. Displays were small and therefore limited menu items. Battery life was short and limited use. But the demand was still there because the tremendous benefits to the restaurant owner.

I distinctly remember a trip to an NFL game where the stadium food provider used Seiko hand held terminals to take orders from customers sitting in their seats. I was about 6 seats from the aisle and placed an order for a drink and a hot dog fixed the way I wanted. The server took the order, told me the total and I passed the money down to her. As I was receiving my change my food arrived from the kitchen! Now THAT is service.

Most recently, restaurant software companies have taken advantage of the PDA craze and their technology and have adapted their software to these devices. Screens have become larger and now can display entire menus. Battery life has been extended and we now have “hot swap” batteries that allow you to swap a battery without losing the program.

Table service restaurants are now entering orders at the table and having food runners deliver the food. The server/waiter only has to leave the floor when it is time to print the check.

Quick service restaurants are taking orders in the drive through ahead of the speaker box. Others are creating entire sections for curbside ordering where the customer parks and a server with a hand held takes their order and payment then the food is brought out to them.

With hand held terminals restaurants are providing a speed of service only dreamed of before now.

The Need for Hand Held Terminals in Restaurants

To be able to take orders at the table or car, receive payment and have the food delivered with amazing speed of service. Thereby increasing table turns and customer throughput.

The hand held unit needs to be reliable, durable (they do get dropped) and easy to operate. The battery needs to be able to swapped during operation without losing memory.

The network needs to be able to handle several hand held terminals without slowing down the entire system. In some cases, the network needs to extend beyond the walls of the restaurant so additional customer may be served in patios, parks and parking lots.

The Solution Hand Held Terminals Provide Restaurants

Some point of sale systems have an interface that allows the download of their software to a PDA using Windows Pocket PC technology and Windows Terminal License software. Multiple hand held PDA terminals can be in the wireless network at the same time.

Through the use of wireless routers and wireless access points an entire restaurant can be set up for wireless hand held terminals for every server/waiter/manager. Additional wireless access points may be installed outside the restaurant to give broader coverage and allow for taking orders outside the restaurant.

We have one customer who walks across the street to a park and takes orders. The server collects for the food, even swipes a credit card and the system processes the approval without the server having to go to a terminal. A food runner brings the food to the person who is still sitting/laying in the park.

Servers/waiters are able to enter orders and take payments at the table. Managers are able to authorize voids, check sales and other manager functions from their hand held terminal. Imagine the ability to view reports on a hand held terminal or to approve a void without having to go to a terminal. All these things are possible with restaurant hand held terminals.

The Benefits of Hand Held Terminals To You

  • Dramatically increased speed of service for your customer.
  • Greater customer service because your servers/waiters do not have to leave the floor to place orders.
  • Increased table turns because of faster service.
  • Increased customer throughput in Quick Service.
  • Wait on more tables/customers per server/waiter. More time on the floor equals more ability to handle additional tables.
    Increase manager efficiency.

The ability in Table Service to turn just 1 additional table per night with a $20 ticket average equals $600 per month in additional revenue.

In Quick Service, if you were able to increase throughput to handle only 4 more customers per lunch rush at $5 per order, you would enjoy a similar $600 per month increase in revenue.


Source by Jerry Wilson

Free Hypothyroidism Treatment PresentationHypothyroidism Revolution

This is the very process that works for every single one of my clients, including those with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis…

You will feel in control again as your mood drastically improves and any sign of depression and anxiety begin to disappear. Your family and friends are going to notice some major positive changes in you.
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VGA to Component – What Does it Do?


Video Graphics Array VGA was made popular by IBM – it was the standard that most computers were designed under. Component refers to another type of video delivery method. VGA video is analog video, and it has been largely replaced by component connections but was the most popular video and display methods from its inception in nineteen eighty seven until the late nineteen nineties. VGA to Component refers to the cross over between the two video and display mediums. A VGA to component video adapter basically converts VGA from a personal computer’s output to a component signal commonly found on high end televisions. VGA is based around screen resolutions. The connector for VGA has a 15 pin module that was used to fit into the back of the CPU. The video quality of the VGA is fine.

How it Works

The VGA to component video adapter is similar to what is usually called a PC to TV converter but the component outputs are delivered through jacks that are color coded, usually green, red and blue. The power for the adapter comes from the computer via a USB port, although there are separate transformers that are available for those who do not wish to use a USB port in order to use the technology.

The VGA to component video adapter features composite video, component video and s-video outputs, with the VGA input being on a 15-pin receptacle (female). A male connector then connects to the unit, and another male connector connects to the personal computer while the female connector connects to a VGA cable from the computer’s monitor. There are also gender changers that will allow you to change the reach of the monitor cable in order to use it from a greater distance. This type of unit usually has a remote control that is battery operated.

You can use the converter in order to connect your personal computer to any higher end television, including a plasma, projector, or LCD model television. Most have multi-format outputs that allow you to convert VGA resolutions up to a maximum of 1600 X 1200 into high resolution component video, s-video and RCA-type.

Where to Purchase

Many electronics stores and big box retailers sell VGA to component video adapters, or you can find them when shopping with a variety of online stores.


Source by Revon Sims

Jersey Wooly Rabbit Housing and Play Places


Once you’ve decided a bunny buddy is the companion for you, your first consideration will be creating a suitable home.

Whether you choose one of the many sizes and styles of enclosures at your local pet store, build your own, or create a unique hybrid of bought and built, your Wooly must be housed indoors. Despite their thick coats, Woolies are very intolerant of changing weather.

As the Jersey is a dwarf breed, a cage as small as four square feet will provide sufficient space, but bigger is better. You can create a larger enclosure without sacrificing floor space by buying or building in levels connected by ramps.

Make sure your enclosure has an opening large enough for you to lift your bunny out. If bunny is allowed to roam inside your home (rabbit-proofed areas only!), a side opening will let it enter and exit the cage on its own. The opening should either be smooth or framed in plastic to ensure a snag-free passage. If your cage has multiple levels, multiple access points will make for easier cleaning.

Food, hay and water containers should be cage mounted to avoid spilling and contamination. Wire flooring allows droppings to fall into a removable tray, but even narrowly spaced wire can cause sores on bunny’s feet. Fortunately, Woolies are easily litter-box trained, making a wire floor unnecessary. Never use clumping litter or cedar chips, as both can be harmful if ingested.

Your Wooly’s home needn’t be an unsightly box in a corner of your living room. It can be an attractive centerpiece and even decorated appropriate to the season. Never use electric decorations on your rabbit’s cage. Any other decorations which could be harmful if chewed should also be kept well out of bunny’s reach. A good general rule of thumb is: what is safe is the crib is safe on the cage. There are exceptions, however. When in doubt, ask your veterinary doctor or other animal care specialist.

Even the most luxurious cage is still a cage, and your bunny will need additional room to romp and roam. The more space they are given, the more content they will be!

Indoor Play Paces

For the safety of your bunny and your belongings, indoor spaces must be carefully prepared before becoming rumpus rooms. Unless your rabbit has been properly trained, never allow it to roam unsupervised in your house.

Mornings and evenings are ideal times for out-of-cage exercise, as these are the times of day rabbits are most active. This is called ‘crepuscular’, as opposed to nocturnal (active at night) and diurnal (active during the day).

Bored bunnies misbehave. Even with loads of room to run they still need toys which will satisfy their need to chew. Magazines, sticks and cardboard boxes work well and are a good investment in the protection of your floorboards and furnishings. To prevent burrowing and nesting in the underside of couches and other low furniture, a frame of 2×4’s placed underneath will keep the space off limits.

If your rabbit persists in unwanted chewing, firmly saying “NO” while spraying with a water bottle acts as a good deterrent. Do not rely solely on training to keep bunnies from chewing wires, however, as they can be severely burned or even killed. Remove or secure any wires in your rabbit’s play space. Products to hide or wrap wires are available at most electronic and hardware stores. Never run wires under carpeting. This poses a serious fire hazard.

Among the other dangers your room may hold, many popular types of house plant are toxic to rabbits, such as violets, philodendron and dieffenbachia. Toxic plants should be hung from the ceiling (don’t expect them to be safe on counter tops) or removed from the area entirely. Again, when in doubt, ask a specialist.

If your rabbit cannot hop back into its cage on its own, have a litter-box and weighted water bowl available.

Outdoor Play Places

Outdoor play areas must provide protection from the elements, predators and other, less obvious dangers.

Safety will be your primary concern. Even if a rabbit is out of the reach of predators, it can still be frightened to death, so never leave your rabbit unsupervised. It only takes a moment for a dog to jump a fence or a bird of prey to swoop down. Other threats include possums, raccoons, dogs and even skunks. Your rabbit should also never be left in its run over night.

Functionality is second. A run should be large enough for your rabbit to run and play. A sufficient construction can be made from a heavy, wooden frame and wire sides, top and bottom. The wire bottom will be necessary to keep your bunny from burrowing out. Even if flush with the ground, however, wire flooring can cause sores on bunny feet. For additional comfort, cover the wire with a layer of straw, which rabbits love to nest in and chew. Don’t forget the water bottle.

An enclosed area within the run, such as a sturdy cardboard box, will give your rabbit a place to hide and rest. Some bunny-proof toys would be appreciated as well. Generally, what is crib safe is cage safe, although there are some exceptions. When in doubt, ask your veterinary doctor or other animal care specialist. Don’t forget the water bottle.

Be sure to design enough access points to allow for easy cleaning. A garden hose will only go so far. At some point you’ll have to be able to reach into corners. Include a litter-box and change it regularly. Straw should be changed weekly. We already mentioned the water bottle.

“Woolies” enjoy moderate temperatures. Your run should be at least partially protected from direct sunlight and chilly drafts, and well away from potentially poisonous plants, such as oleander, lilies and tulips. Never use the run when it’s cold, hot or raining.


Source by Kristen Morton

Role of 3D Puzzles in Personality Development


Being one of the oldest means of entertainment for children, 3d puzzles have now become an exceptional source of learning. This is the reason why innumerable parents purchase varied kinds of puzzles for their children belonging to different ages. In addition to giving parents some time to relax or do housework, puzzles provide never-ending benefits to children who play with different kinds of puzzles on a regular basis.

Cube puzzles are particularly known to train and develop your brain. Such puzzles support your logical and mathematical problem solving abilities. They play an important part to improve your analyzing, reasoning, deducing, and sequencing capabilities. They improve your coordination and arrangement skills. Several training schools and establishments are known to incorporate puzzles as efficient learning aids in different activities.

3d puzzles serve as a unique source of stimulation for people of all ages. While solving the same puzzle repeatedly, you may have to come up with the most effective strategy to fit the pieces together. Every single piece of these puzzles constantly challenges you as you place particular pieces and try to arrange them together. Not even different educational games and electronic toys presently available in the market can match the efficacy of simple cube puzzles.

Some creative 3d puzzles demand extensive reasoning and problem solving skills. In the process of successfully completing a puzzle, individuals are likely to develop their mental abilities, intellectual skills, memory, and logical capabilities. Puzzles don’t let a person feel discouraged as they encourage him/her to learn while playing. They are considered as advanced means to help people to learn in creative and entertaining ways.

To make sure that every child gets the maximum benefits of puzzles, it is vital for parents or other individuals to consider a child’s age so as to offer an appropriate level of difficulty. Opt for bright, radiant, and multicolored cube puzzles as they are likely to capture young kids’ attention for prolonged periods. Always make sure to determine the educational value of puzzles.

Additionally, puzzles are typically a great mode of entertainment that the entire family can enjoy. While trying to open a complex puzzle box, parents are likely to spend quality time with their children and talk about different issues. Such activities become more amusing when enjoyed by all family members. Besides developing mental skills and abilities, they enable you to have fun and learn at the same time.


Source by Ashlynn T Morris

Seven Easy Ways to Save Money on Computers and Electronics


Nearly every home in the United States is also home to a variety of technological devices. From televisions to computers, to gaming systems and surround sound, not to mention our digital cameras, DVD recorders and mp3 players – technology adds a lot to our lives. And you can save money on these big ticket items just by knowing where and when to shop.

Here are seven strategies for saving money on computers and electronics.

1. Whether you are buying online or offline, the first step is to research the new item and determine exactly which features you want and need. Go to the Internet first and read product reviews and recommendations.

Do an Internet search and check out each piece of equipment to see what others have said about it. Is it highly recommended or riddled with problems? Read about the particular item on various electronics forums. People on the forums will be more honest than someone who is paid to write a review.

2. Find out what might be available locally by going to various retail stores and their websites. Many of the electronics big box stores (including Best Buy and Circuit City) have a program in which you choose and purchase your item online, and then it’s ready for you to pick it up in the store – sometimes in less than an hour. If you are buying online and having it shipped to your home or office, you’ll want to pay special attention to your shipping costs especially on those larger items, such as TVs and computers.

3. Before you buy, go to your favorite electronics retailer and ask to see “open box items,” which are items that have been opened and returned. Generally, the full warranty still applies on these items, but you may be able to find what you want at a reduced rate because the box has been opened. If the price hasn’t been reduced, ask the manager if she can come down on the price.

4. If you can’t find the item you want as an “open box item,” Go back to your original search and do some comparisons. Find out which store has the lowest normal prices and then check out their sales.

5. Even though you would love to get the latest and greatest, consider purchasing the item that was replaced by the latest and greatest. There shouldn’t be that many changes that you can’t do without, and that little sacrifice can save you a lot of money.

6. Another way to save money is to wait until right before school starts and take advantage of the “tax-free” holidays. Not having to pay sales tax on the item can save you a pretty penny. Of course, there are also sales prior to major holidays. Don’t forget to take advantage of the rebates that often come with new electronics, as well, as they sometimes provide quite a savings.

7. If you find the item online, make sure to check for coupon codes and free shipping offers that can save you even more. The Internet makes it so easy to find the very best deals.


Source by Jamie Jefferson

8 Jeep Storage Systems You Haven’t Tried Out Yet


You will always find a need to carry an extra bag or some water for your safari in the summer. Your jeep accessories will also need to be stored safely away during this adventurous time of the year and you expect them to be in tip top condition when the season is over. This is why these 8 storage systems are designed specially for your needs. Let’s take a tour.

1. Jeep modular rack system

This is an open storage system made up of a bracket kit and universal tray which when joined make up a shelf like system. It can be fitted onto the jeep spare tire or onto the sports bars and it can easily be removed when not in use. The greatest thing about it is that you can buy the parts separately in major outlets when you do not have the extra buck. It also does not require any drilling to fit in so you don’t have to worry about destroying your beautiful jeep.

2. Console storage system

Looking for convenience? This jeep storage system not only provides a storage tray and a pull-out beverage cooler but also acts as an armrest, cup holder as well as a writing board. Advanced models come with power points for electronic accessories, interior lights and a first aid kit. They also come in various colors for those fashion forward folks out there.

3. Instatrunk storage system

As the name suggests, this is an instant trunk storage that is fastened on the cargo area of your jeep behind the rear seat. It is made of steel and it is lockable keeping your luggage secure and well out of sight. Neat and safe!

4. Jeep saddlebags

These are bags attached to your jeep rear sports bars that provide storage space leaving your floor free for heavier cargo. They are made of a variety of premium fabrics of your choice that are durable. Saddlebags from some outlets come with extra benefit of UV protection for even more durability.

5. Jeep Door storage jackets

It is very irritating to find your doors chipped after storing them during the hot weather. The door storage jackets provide storage for full doors and upper doors protecting them from degradation when not in use.

6. Under seat locking storage box

This heavy duty steel storage box is your best bet for storing your valuables. It comes with a pick-resistant lock and is just the right size to fit right under the driver’s seat making theft almost impossible.

7. Hardtop storage system

This system helps you remove and store not only your hardtop but also your full steel doors, half steel doors, soft upper doors and upper door sliders. After removal, you just slide your accessories away to safety. They also come with covers to protect your accessories from damage.

8. Window storage duffel bag

Do you have those removable soft top windows? These duffel bags will give you that reliable storage to protect your windows from dust, scratches and moisture which would destroy your windows.

These jeep storage systems will give you safe, reliable service to enjoy your hard earned accessories for as long as possible. Bestop provides a one stop shop for all your jeep storage systems at affordable prices.


Source by Bonney Bwire

Yamaha P155 Digital Piano Review


Digital pianos are much more like a full scale piano in electronic version than a keyboard you see in electronic stores. Therefore, you’ll not find digital pianos which have less than 88 keys. Digital pianos allow you to adjust the volume, so if you would like the sound, feel and function of an acoustic piano, the digital pianos are the proper choice. And in the event you plan on utilizing a restricted amount of voices, digital pianos are excellent, as most digital pianos include only 10 -20 additional voices (organ, grand piano, harpsichord, etc) and do not have some of the more exotic voices like harmonica, accordion or animal noises which you could find on synths or keyboards.

Today, I’ll review Yamaha P155 digital piano, which featured professional grade sound quality.


The Yamaha P155 is the highest quality digital piano that I’ve ever reviewed. The capabilities of the models below it (P85, NP-30, P140) is featured on this piano. Yamaha P155 is going to become marketed towards the intermediate to the professional musicians.

Graded Hammer Action, which featured on Yamaha P155 allows the player to make use of expression and touch to their music that ensure to create a professional grade sound quality. The P155’s Graded Hammer Action imitates the effect of a real pianos which have strings that range from very thin to very thick. The heavier hammer weighting towards the bass part in the keyboard and lighter hammer weighting within the higher areas.

To make sure the finest grand piano sound for the P155, Yamaha attributes it sound quality to its unique recording source: Yamaha’s finest 9-foot concert grand, a handpicked CFIIIS. Subsequent, a master piano technician painstakingly tuned and regulated the CFIIIS to sonic perfection. Then Yamaha applied their Pure CF Sampling technology to accurately capture every aspect in the CFIIIS sound, keeping post-processing to an absolute minimal to preserve sonic integrity throughout. For all those of you not familiar with how digital tones are recorded from acoustic tones, the Pure CF is really a top notch recording system utilized to transfer sound into electronic form. This made a really authentic grand piano sound with powerful, dynamic bass, warm mid-range, and crystal-clear highs.

The 4-level Piano Sampling system is unique to Yahama digital pianos. It gives the capability to make use of extra expression. Based on how hard or soft you press a key, it’ll respond with a tone relative to how heavily you pressed it.

Yamaha P155 comes with two built-in speakers and two 12 Watt amplifiers. It allows you to practice at home and you do not need additional external PA system.

So, you can always plug one in in the event you need one or if you’re performing.


  • 128 Polyphony
  • 17 Voices
  • 50 Preset Piano Songs
  • Tuning/Transpose
  • Metronome
  • 7 Demo Songs
  • 2 Stereo Headphone Jacks

What’s In the Box

Sustain Pedal, AC Power Adapter, Music Rest, Owner?s Manual

Great Price

According to the high quality of this digital piano as reviewed above, it ought to be priced more than $2000. Nevertheless, most retailers and music stores cost the Yamaha P155 at below $1000.


Source by Sambel Urang

Child’s Play – Throw Away the Toy and Keep the Box


How many times have you seen the scenario where a baby or toddler receives an educational toy as a gift and the box is more exciting to them than the toy? Do you know why that happens?

Babies and toddlers love creative play. This is how they learn and develop the skills they need to survive and prosper. A toy that offers little use of the imagination will not hold your baby’s attention for long. Once the challenge of learning the skill the toy offers is gone, the baby will want a new challenge. This is instinctive and normal.

A truly educational toy will encourage creative play and imaginative thinking. These toys are classic and will offer years of entertainment value to your child while at the same time allowing your baby to develop the motor and cognitive skills they need to reach their milestones of normal growth and development.

A simple box is a good example of such a toy. As a young baby, they may spend hours putting something in the box and taking it out again. This is helping them develop some of the spacial skills, manual dexterity and creativity they will need to go on to the next stage of development.

A toddler may use the same box to imagine a little house for their toys, a garage for their cars, etc. Their imaginations are allowed free reign to create all kinds of scenarios and situations through the use of pretending. While your child is pretending, they are actually working out problems, processing things they have learned and developing their creative mind.

There are educational toys that stand the test of time and will give your child years and years of creative play and entertainment. Things like playhouses, play kitchens, ride on toys, dress up costumes, etc. will never go out of style and will help your child develop physically and mentally into prosperous little individuals.

Instead of  buying the next best electronic gadget for your child every year, invest in your child’s future. You will get much more value for your money with an educational toy that never goes out of style, gives hours and hours of entertainment value for several years and encourages both physical and creative play.


Source by Rose Henry

Examples of Computer Hardware – Understanding Computer Components


It is easy to get confused when you are researching computers. Many newcomers get frustrated and it seems like the salesman at the local big box electronic store is speaking a foreign language. Many terms and words apply to the computer industry that does not apply to any other aspect of living. What is software? What is hardware? What is the CPU? ROM? RAM? Let’s take a moment to look at some examples of computer hardware.

Computer hardware is just that, the “hard” surfaces you can touch. Hardware is what the computer is made of. Software is the programs running on the hardware that tell your computer what to do when you use the computer to balance your checkbook, look at email or surf the internet. Examples of computer hardware include:

o The Monitor – what you view the results on, like a television.

o The CPU – central processing unit is where all the complicated math and computing happen.

o CD or DVD ROM – This is the drive that “reads” cd’s or dvd’s. ROM’s are NOT burners the “read only.”

o CD or DVD RW – This is the drives that “burn” or “make” cd’s and dvd’s. Typically they can read and write to a cd or dvd.

o Memory – This is just as it reads; the more memory your computer has, the better it will function.

o Printer – This allows you to print documents (your resume,) pictures, and many times printers have more than one function. Many printers can double up as scanners, fax machines and copiers.

o Wireless or Hardwired Routers – These are the devices that allow you to connect to other computers in your “network.” They can work singly or in conjunction with “modems” which are the devices that allow you to connect to the internet.

Although the list above is quite extensive, it does not include all the examples of computer hardware you might run into. Lot’s of devices are considered hardware (remember, you can touch hardware.) The list of devices not mentioned include cd’s and dvd’s, flash drives, floppy drives and disks, the mouse and keyboard, and the hard drives that store the operating systems and software on.

Computers have different configurations of hardware. Some offer more memory, storage, or optional drives. The type of computer you purchase will depend on what you do with it. There are different configurations available for virtually every application and desire. Whether you are going to play games, just email and surf the net, or plot the distances between the planets and stars, there is a computer set up and ready for you to purchase. Each will be configured a little differently based upon what demands your applications will place upon the hardware.

Hopefully you now have a better understanding of the different examples of computer hardware and can make an informed decision when making your next computer purchase.


Source by Wendy Pan