Category Archives: Uncategorized

Xtreme Fat Loss Diet

ATTENTION EVERY man and woman who wants to lose belly fat in the safest and fastest way humanly possible

Fact of the matter is this: there’s probably certain things built in to the very diet and exercise program that you are doing right now, things that you don’t even realize are stopping you from achieving the most rapid results.
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Feast Your Fat Away

Getting into the best shape of your life—and saying “good-bye” FOREVER to that extra fat and flab that’s been hanging around way too long—takes one thing and one thing only…

You see, you’ve been lied to about the best way to burn fat…speed up weight loss…and shed excess belly fat and flab.
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Renegade Diet Book – by Jason Ferruggia

While shockingly effective, The Renegade Diet is the easiest-to-follow, least intrusive diet plan you’ll ever try. Instead of suffering with plain, boring foods you get to feast til your hearts content every night of the week.

Imagine eating delicious carb stuffed meals every night, enjoying a decadent dessert, and STILL waking up leaner… Yes, this is not another “diet” ebook.
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Usui Reiki Healing Master

“I Thought I Would Never Learn Reiki But Contrary To My Reiki Teachers Prediction, I Became a Powerful Reiki Master Using a Simple Fool-Proof Technique, After Years of ‘Trying’ You Can Too! Here’s How…”

Soon, you’ll finally have the POWER to Heal your family, friends (and yourself) by simply following this Revolutionary Reiki Learning Technique.
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The Master Cleanse Book Everyone’s Raving About

If you’re thinking about trying the Master Cleanse please take a moment to read this important letter to see if it’s right for you.

It’s true the Master Cleanse can help you lose up to 20 pounds, look younger, ease chronic pain, cleanse your body of internal waste, and boost your energy levels in 10 days but…
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I say ‘ex’ because she’s now an ‘ex-reader’.  She probably has some of her own issues unrelated to me, but it still tends to hurt my feelings when I get this sort of thing.

I think it’s a little cowardly to sit behind a keyboard and spew this sort of venom, but that’s just me. I’d appreciate any thoughts you have on the subject. My purpose is to provide helpful tips and advice. My assumption is that’s why you’re here. Any advice you can offer me to support YOU further is much appreciated.
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The Microsoft Office 2010 Backstage View for File Management


The File Tab

In Microsoft Office 2010, the File tab, a blue tab located at the left of the tabs, opens up a display of file related menu commands, such as Open, Save and Print, and is known as the Backstage view.

If you already have a file open when you click the File tab, you will see the Info screen. This gives information about the file properties at the right of the screen, whilst the central section gives options for changing permissions, preparing the file for sharing and deleting older versions of the file.

File commands are found in the left pane.

Microsoft Office 2010 File formats

The Office 2010 file format is XML based. This format significantly reduces file size, allows for increased compatibility, provides enhanced damaged file recovery and stores macros separately to prevent malicious code from running. The default file type for Word is .docx, that for Excel is .xlsx, that for PowerPoint is .pptx. An Access database has file format .accdb. Files can also be saved in PDF format or in XPS Document Format which is a fixed-layout electronic file format that preserves document formatting developed by Microsoft.

Opening Files

From the File tab, if you have used the file recently, click Recent. A list of recent used files will be displayed. Click on the required file to open it. (If you want a file to stay on the list, click on the pin to the right of the file name.)

Otherwise, from the File tab, click Open (or press Ctrl + O). The Open dialog box will be displayed.

Locate the required file, then either double-click on the filename or click once on the filename and click Open.If the file was created in Office 2003 or earlier, it will automatically be opened in compatibility mode.

To open a specific file type, from the Open dialog box, click the Files of type list arrow, then click a file type.

Closing Files

To close the current file, click the Close button at the top right of the window – if this is the only open document the application will also be closed, otherwise it will remain open. If you have made changes and have not saved them, you will be asked whether or not you want any changes to be saved.

Files can also be closed by clicking File tab and then clicking Close, or by pressing Ctrl + W, or by right-clicking its taskbar icon and clicking Close.

If you exit the application (File tab, then Exit), all open files within the application will be closed – if you haven’t saved them, you will be given opportunity to do so. If you click Don’t Save, a version will still be saved, just in case!

Saving Files

Unfortunately Microsoft Office 2010 files are not backward-compatible to versions before Microsoft Office 2007, so if you are saving a file to be opened by someone using an older version, you will need to save in 97-2003 format, unless the recipient has a compatibility download.

To save a file for the first time, click the Save icon on the Quick Access Toolbar,(or press Ctrl + S). Alternatively, click the File tab, then in the Backstage view,click Save As or Save. The Save As dialog box will be displayed. Click the Save in list arrow to navigate to the drive or folder in which to store the file. Type a name for the file in the File name box. From the Save as type dropdown, select the type of file required. Click Save.

To resave a file using the same name, press Ctrl + S, or click the Save icon on the Quick Access Toolbar or click the File tab, then in the Backstage view, click Save.

To save a copy of an existing file to a different name, different version or different location, click the File tab, then in the Backstage view, click Save As. Specify the required filename, file location and file type, then click Save.

To save a file that is opened in compatibility mode, click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar or click the File tab then click Save, or press Ctrl + S. The file will be resaved in compatibility mode.

To save a file in a different format, click the File tab, then click Save As. The Save As dialog box will be displayed.

Click the Save in list arrow to navigate to the drive or folder in which to store the file. Type a name for the file in the File name box. If necessary, from the Save as type dropdown, select the file format required. Click Save.

Creating New Files

To start a new file, click the File tab, then in the Backstage View,click New. From the dialog box, select Blank to start a new blank file and then click Create. (Alternatively, press Ctrl + N, to create a new standard blank document.)

To create a new file based on a template, do one of the following:

  • Click Recent templates, if it is a template you have used recently, then click the template to select it
  • Click Sample templates, then click a template
  • Click My templates to open a dialog box of templates saved on your computer
  • Click New from Existing to base a file on one of your existing files, then browse to select the file on which the new file should be based
  • In the Templates section, select from the available template categories, then click a template

On choosing your template, click Create or Download.

Preparing Files

The Compatibility Checker (File tab – Info section – Check for Issues, then from the dropdown, click Check Compatibility) generates a list of potential losses of formatting when saving a file to an older version.

The file Properties, such as Author, Title, Subject, etc., can be viewed by clicking the File tab, then in the Info section, click Properties and select Show All Properties. Properties can also be edited here.

The Mark as Final command makes a Microsoft Office 2010 document read-only, disabling or turning off typing, editing commands and proofing marks. To mark a document as final, click the File tab, then in the Info section, click Protect Document and select Mark as Final. However, please note that if someone goes to Protect Document and selects Mark as Final again, they can make the document editable.

Sending Files

The Save and Send options available from the File tab allow the open file to be sent as an e-mail attachment.

To send the open file by e-mail, click the File tab, select Save & Send, then click Send Using E-mail. You can then select whether to Attach a copy of this document to an e-mail, Create an e-mail that contains a link to this document, Attach a PDF copy of the document to an e-mail, Attach a XPS copy of this workbook to an e-mail or Send as Internet Fax. An e-mail message will open in Outlook. The filename will appear in the subject line. Enter the recipients and message in the usual way. Click Send.

Converting Files

Files created in a version earlier than Microsoft Office 2007 are opened in compatibility mode, with features that cannot be displayed or converted well by previous versions disabled. Such files will automatically be saved in 97-2003 format. To convert a file to the Microsoft Office 2010 file format, open it in compatibility mode, active the Backstage View by clicking the File tab, then in the Info window, click Convert. Click OK to complete the conversion to new Microsoft Office 2010 format.

Print Preview

In Microsoft Office 2010, you no longer have to request a print preview; it is shown automatically in the Print section of the Backstage view. Click the File tab, then in the Backstage view, click Print; alternatively, press Ctrl + P. The Print section will be displayed with a Print Preview pane at the right.

In any application, using the Zoom button indicator in the Print Preview pane gives opportunity to zoom in on your work to view it more comfortably.

The Print dialog box

Each application has a different set of options in the Print section, but all work in a similar way. Clicking Print from the File tab opens the Print section.

To select the required printer if its name isn’t visible, click the Printer dropdown to select the required printer.

Select how many copies to print in the Copies box.

From the first Settings dropdown, specify whether you want to print the whole document or what selection is to be printed.

From the second Settings section, decide whether or not to print one-sided, whether the document should be collated, whether it should be printed in portrait or landscape orientation, the paper size, etc.

As you change settings, the impact to the printed document will be reflected in the preview.

To make additional changes to the settings, click Page Setup.

When you have selected all required options, click Print to print.


Source by Janet M Donbavand

Why Are There So Few Female Studio Recording Engineers?


As a female studio recording engineer and a electronic music maker, I am often asked why there are so few women working in the field of studio engineering. This can be both interesting and tiresome as it is a question that demands to be explored but it is also sometimes a bit too much responsibility to be expected to be able to answer for the gross under representation of my gender behind the glass.

I have looked into this issue for both my own curiosity and also to be better equipped when answering to other enquiring minds. I am somewhat surprised by the statistics. Latest research I have found estimates that women account for only five per cent of studio recording engineers. Why should this be?

I can tell you now it is not rocket science. Sure mastering music requires a very firm grasp of acoustics and frequencies and highly tuned ear. But a regular studio recording engineer? Well, quite frankly I have come across many mediocre professional sound engineers who are male. Most of the job role requires sticking a microphone in front of an instrument or person. Connecting that signal to a recorder, most often a computer. And pressing record. Of course this is crudely put, but as I explained to a BBC radio presenter one day in an interview if you can work a microwave or a mobile phone you can probably get your head round most recording studio equipment and signal chains. If you want to.

And this is the more important aspect of the issue here. Many jobs that demand skill and knowledge are occupied by women. OK, perhaps not technology or science but a recording studio does not have to be such a complicated system to get the hang of. There is a logic involved and a systematic approach that once learned and practiced can be applied with relative ease. And sound engineering is not just a science anyway – it is also an art. And a people skills job. Why, I would go as far to say that given women’s conditioning, we are well equipped to be good listeners, midwives for the artist or client’s wishes and I often find myself acting in a nurturing manner to help clients achieve their best performance (especially vocalists for whom the studio environment is new and perhaps a bit uncomfortable).

In the live sound industry there are more women apparently. And this is a much more physical job with much less social hours including tours that can last for weeks and months at a time. Working in a studio environment, the job can be sedentary and certainly not physically demanding. And as a freelance you can exercise some control over your working hours. So, inconvenient working hours and physical strength is not the issue here. Even access to training is not really necessary – I know of plenty of female music producers and studio engineers who have no qualifications in this field, but have just learned how to do it because they wanted to.

I think the only conclusion I can come to which can begin to explain the lack of women working behind the mixing desk is confidence. It is a question of confidence. You have to believe in yourself, not be intimidated by techy talk as you are starting nor be intimidated by other perhaps more capable male colleagues. Actually I have found that 99 percent of professional male engineers I have worked with have not projected any sexist attitudes, although I did have to battle to earn respect at sound engineering school.

Talking about the problem gets tiresome. Exploring the solutions are much more interesting for me. Initiatives like Womens Audio Mission in the US are Smart Women’s recording Club in London great. And increasing the visibility of female music producers and recording engineers is more productive than highlighting what we are not doing. As one person once so neatly described to me: “Girls don’t think of it as an option”. Well it is, and it is a really fun job where you are paid to learn more about music, especially if you are a largely self-taught creative music and electronic music maker like me.


Source by Caro Churchill

Amazing Guitar Related Gift Ideas


For a guitarist, there is nothing more special than having a guitar or guitar-related items as gifts. With that in mind, let us help you to surprise them with so many guitar related gifts to put them on a festive mood. Though these items may vary in price or quality, what is important is the effort and time you invested finding-and wrapping-these gifts.

Guitar Packages

This is so perfect for kids and beginners. Why settle for a single item when you can have not just the guitar but the amplifier, guitar strap, a gig bag, DVD instructional tools and cables all in one box? Isn’t it super convenient? There are so many guitar starter packs out there which only costs $200 and below. With that amount, you already have a quality guitar and a dependable amplifier- a great deal for your money. Choose whether it is an acoustic or an electric guitar-this is the most important information you need to know!

Guitar Supplies

Choose from a wide variety of picks, strings, amplifier, tuner or metronomes with different features. A metronome is ideal for those who are just starting out, practicing their rhythm skills. You can never go wrong on strings, because all guitarists always need a nice set of those. Guitar effects are great gift ideas too! Guitar effects like: overdrive, wah, distortions and compressors are a staple in every guitar player’s repertoire. There are different types, shapes and sizes of picks. The materials range from wood to metal. An ideal pick size for acoustic guitar is from thin to medium.As for electric guitar player- well, it depends on their favorite musical genre. Thrash metal players tend to lean on thicker picks while medium and light picks are for beginners.

Guitar Straps

This is a must for musicians and gig players. You can choose from different materials available on the market today-leather is the best! When choosing an ideal design, make sure that it is compatible to your friend or loved ones’ personality. A skull-themed strap design is not right for a jazz guitarist; and how about the reaction of a 50 year-old guitar player if he received a “Hello Kitty” themed strap-disaster!

Guitar Vouchers

Do you have no idea what kind of guitar related gift to bring? What will you give to a young kid who wants a guitar lesson for next summer? You should never worry because gift vouchers are your answer. Gift vouchers are ideal for those who are not yet decided when to start their formal lessons.

Holiday season is the most exciting and the craziest time of the year-it is also the most enjoyable! With this guitar gift ideas, Christmas rush will be a thing of the past.


Source by Charles E Jordan

10 Great Ways to Use Barcodes


Barcode technology is not just for large manufacturing operations and big-box retail stores. Just about any business can benefit from barcode technology because it’s a simple, easy way to connect real-life objects and people with computerized data. Barcoding can save time, money and frustration in any circumstance where things need to be tracked or easily identified. Let’s look at 10 ways even small businesses can benefit from barcode technology:

1. Point of Sale

Scanning barcodes on products when they’re purchased reduces human error in identifying products and charging correct prices. Shoplifters cannot switch prices tags and purchase expensive items for less. Price changes are easier too; just swap out the price tag on the shelf and enter the new price in the computer-no need to change the price tag on every unit.

2. Inventory Control

Know exactly what you have in stock and what you don’t. Get notified of low product inventory before you run out. Reduce rain checks or manufacturing downtime by ordering before you run out.

3. Document Tracking

No more lost files or time wasted looking for files. Identify exactly where a file has been stored or last seen. Know exactly who has looked at a file and when it was last reviewed. Record instructions for re-filing after use and verify correct location of files being returned to their storage location.

4. Storage Cataloging

Know exactly where you’ve place what. Move out-of-season or slow moving merchandise out of the way into deep storage without risk of losing track of its location. Barcode items and shelves and record locations in your database. Don’t waste time looking for things or spend money buying replacement items or inventories because you can’t find them.

5. Identify Container Contents

Place barcodes on boxes, crates and barrels and track exactly what is in each container. Easily identify each container, what’s in it, where it’s been and where it’s supposed to go.

6. Order Picking and Packing

Increase order accuracy and reduce fulfillment time. Place barcodes on products, inventory locations and picking sheets to ensure the right products are picked. Packers can verify accuracy of the order before packing and shipping.

7. Manage Client Information

Identify files, items, projects and more with barcodes and know instantly which client they are for. Connect those barcodes to database and electronic information for easy reference.

8. Patient Identification

Connect files, prescriptions, x-rays and other data with the correct patient. Reduce errors in medication delivery, diagnoses, and treatments. Place barcodes on identification bracelets for in-patients, hardcopy files, x-ray films and prescription containers to connect them to computerized patient records.

9. Time Tracking

Use barcoded ID tags to track on-the-job and off-the-job hours for employees. Scan work order barcodes and enter time spent on the project for easily tracking billable hours.

10. Retail Memberships & Coupons

Barcoded membership cards make it easy to track customer purchasing trends, customize offers, and track effectiveness of sales promotions. Place barcodes in coupons to capture detailed information about marketing campaigns.

If your business can benefit from using barcode technology, an easy way to get started is with software that allows you to generate barcodes and print them onto standard labels using your laser or inkjet printer. BarcodePro is full-featured software that does exactly that and does it for a price that’s affordable by any size business. The interface is designed to be easy to use by business owners and managers so no IT professional is needed. Learn more about Barcode online at


Source by Casey Yang