Jersey Wooly Rabbit Housing and Play Places


Once you’ve decided a bunny buddy is the companion for you, your first consideration will be creating a suitable home.

Whether you choose one of the many sizes and styles of enclosures at your local pet store, build your own, or create a unique hybrid of bought and built, your Wooly must be housed indoors. Despite their thick coats, Woolies are very intolerant of changing weather.

As the Jersey is a dwarf breed, a cage as small as four square feet will provide sufficient space, but bigger is better. You can create a larger enclosure without sacrificing floor space by buying or building in levels connected by ramps.

Make sure your enclosure has an opening large enough for you to lift your bunny out. If bunny is allowed to roam inside your home (rabbit-proofed areas only!), a side opening will let it enter and exit the cage on its own. The opening should either be smooth or framed in plastic to ensure a snag-free passage. If your cage has multiple levels, multiple access points will make for easier cleaning.

Food, hay and water containers should be cage mounted to avoid spilling and contamination. Wire flooring allows droppings to fall into a removable tray, but even narrowly spaced wire can cause sores on bunny’s feet. Fortunately, Woolies are easily litter-box trained, making a wire floor unnecessary. Never use clumping litter or cedar chips, as both can be harmful if ingested.

Your Wooly’s home needn’t be an unsightly box in a corner of your living room. It can be an attractive centerpiece and even decorated appropriate to the season. Never use electric decorations on your rabbit’s cage. Any other decorations which could be harmful if chewed should also be kept well out of bunny’s reach. A good general rule of thumb is: what is safe is the crib is safe on the cage. There are exceptions, however. When in doubt, ask your veterinary doctor or other animal care specialist.

Even the most luxurious cage is still a cage, and your bunny will need additional room to romp and roam. The more space they are given, the more content they will be!

Indoor Play Paces

For the safety of your bunny and your belongings, indoor spaces must be carefully prepared before becoming rumpus rooms. Unless your rabbit has been properly trained, never allow it to roam unsupervised in your house.

Mornings and evenings are ideal times for out-of-cage exercise, as these are the times of day rabbits are most active. This is called ‘crepuscular’, as opposed to nocturnal (active at night) and diurnal (active during the day).

Bored bunnies misbehave. Even with loads of room to run they still need toys which will satisfy their need to chew. Magazines, sticks and cardboard boxes work well and are a good investment in the protection of your floorboards and furnishings. To prevent burrowing and nesting in the underside of couches and other low furniture, a frame of 2×4’s placed underneath will keep the space off limits.

If your rabbit persists in unwanted chewing, firmly saying “NO” while spraying with a water bottle acts as a good deterrent. Do not rely solely on training to keep bunnies from chewing wires, however, as they can be severely burned or even killed. Remove or secure any wires in your rabbit’s play space. Products to hide or wrap wires are available at most electronic and hardware stores. Never run wires under carpeting. This poses a serious fire hazard.

Among the other dangers your room may hold, many popular types of house plant are toxic to rabbits, such as violets, philodendron and dieffenbachia. Toxic plants should be hung from the ceiling (don’t expect them to be safe on counter tops) or removed from the area entirely. Again, when in doubt, ask a specialist.

If your rabbit cannot hop back into its cage on its own, have a litter-box and weighted water bowl available.

Outdoor Play Places

Outdoor play areas must provide protection from the elements, predators and other, less obvious dangers.

Safety will be your primary concern. Even if a rabbit is out of the reach of predators, it can still be frightened to death, so never leave your rabbit unsupervised. It only takes a moment for a dog to jump a fence or a bird of prey to swoop down. Other threats include possums, raccoons, dogs and even skunks. Your rabbit should also never be left in its run over night.

Functionality is second. A run should be large enough for your rabbit to run and play. A sufficient construction can be made from a heavy, wooden frame and wire sides, top and bottom. The wire bottom will be necessary to keep your bunny from burrowing out. Even if flush with the ground, however, wire flooring can cause sores on bunny feet. For additional comfort, cover the wire with a layer of straw, which rabbits love to nest in and chew. Don’t forget the water bottle.

An enclosed area within the run, such as a sturdy cardboard box, will give your rabbit a place to hide and rest. Some bunny-proof toys would be appreciated as well. Generally, what is crib safe is cage safe, although there are some exceptions. When in doubt, ask your veterinary doctor or other animal care specialist. Don’t forget the water bottle.

Be sure to design enough access points to allow for easy cleaning. A garden hose will only go so far. At some point you’ll have to be able to reach into corners. Include a litter-box and change it regularly. Straw should be changed weekly. We already mentioned the water bottle.

“Woolies” enjoy moderate temperatures. Your run should be at least partially protected from direct sunlight and chilly drafts, and well away from potentially poisonous plants, such as oleander, lilies and tulips. Never use the run when it’s cold, hot or raining.


Source by Kristen Morton

Role of 3D Puzzles in Personality Development


Being one of the oldest means of entertainment for children, 3d puzzles have now become an exceptional source of learning. This is the reason why innumerable parents purchase varied kinds of puzzles for their children belonging to different ages. In addition to giving parents some time to relax or do housework, puzzles provide never-ending benefits to children who play with different kinds of puzzles on a regular basis.

Cube puzzles are particularly known to train and develop your brain. Such puzzles support your logical and mathematical problem solving abilities. They play an important part to improve your analyzing, reasoning, deducing, and sequencing capabilities. They improve your coordination and arrangement skills. Several training schools and establishments are known to incorporate puzzles as efficient learning aids in different activities.

3d puzzles serve as a unique source of stimulation for people of all ages. While solving the same puzzle repeatedly, you may have to come up with the most effective strategy to fit the pieces together. Every single piece of these puzzles constantly challenges you as you place particular pieces and try to arrange them together. Not even different educational games and electronic toys presently available in the market can match the efficacy of simple cube puzzles.

Some creative 3d puzzles demand extensive reasoning and problem solving skills. In the process of successfully completing a puzzle, individuals are likely to develop their mental abilities, intellectual skills, memory, and logical capabilities. Puzzles don’t let a person feel discouraged as they encourage him/her to learn while playing. They are considered as advanced means to help people to learn in creative and entertaining ways.

To make sure that every child gets the maximum benefits of puzzles, it is vital for parents or other individuals to consider a child’s age so as to offer an appropriate level of difficulty. Opt for bright, radiant, and multicolored cube puzzles as they are likely to capture young kids’ attention for prolonged periods. Always make sure to determine the educational value of puzzles.

Additionally, puzzles are typically a great mode of entertainment that the entire family can enjoy. While trying to open a complex puzzle box, parents are likely to spend quality time with their children and talk about different issues. Such activities become more amusing when enjoyed by all family members. Besides developing mental skills and abilities, they enable you to have fun and learn at the same time.


Source by Ashlynn T Morris

Cellulite Reduction and Treatment Skinny Jeans, Thin Thighs, Slim Sexy Slender Legs, Round Butt, Curvy Hips, Shapely Calves

Reduce YOUR Trouble Spots, Sculpt those Bulging Areas and Reduce Cellulite FOREVER…Slim Down an Trim Down your thighs while shaping your butt at the same time!

No miracles or unproven hype here, just the truthful scientific facts and a proven plan that works and delivers outstanding results.
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Evilsizor Transportation Services LLC

Do you have your permit book in order? Download our FREE Interstate Permit Checklist today! This is a great resource to keep your permits up-to-date to avoid costly penalties assessed by the port officials. PLUS you’ll receive two bonus items…a Permit Book Cover Sheet AND a Mileage & Fuel Trip Sheet.

Evilsizor Transportation Services LLC has over 75 years of combined interstate transportation experience between Penni Royston and her father, Rex Evilsizor.
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Seven Easy Ways to Save Money on Computers and Electronics


Nearly every home in the United States is also home to a variety of technological devices. From televisions to computers, to gaming systems and surround sound, not to mention our digital cameras, DVD recorders and mp3 players – technology adds a lot to our lives. And you can save money on these big ticket items just by knowing where and when to shop.

Here are seven strategies for saving money on computers and electronics.

1. Whether you are buying online or offline, the first step is to research the new item and determine exactly which features you want and need. Go to the Internet first and read product reviews and recommendations.

Do an Internet search and check out each piece of equipment to see what others have said about it. Is it highly recommended or riddled with problems? Read about the particular item on various electronics forums. People on the forums will be more honest than someone who is paid to write a review.

2. Find out what might be available locally by going to various retail stores and their websites. Many of the electronics big box stores (including Best Buy and Circuit City) have a program in which you choose and purchase your item online, and then it’s ready for you to pick it up in the store – sometimes in less than an hour. If you are buying online and having it shipped to your home or office, you’ll want to pay special attention to your shipping costs especially on those larger items, such as TVs and computers.

3. Before you buy, go to your favorite electronics retailer and ask to see “open box items,” which are items that have been opened and returned. Generally, the full warranty still applies on these items, but you may be able to find what you want at a reduced rate because the box has been opened. If the price hasn’t been reduced, ask the manager if she can come down on the price.

4. If you can’t find the item you want as an “open box item,” Go back to your original search and do some comparisons. Find out which store has the lowest normal prices and then check out their sales.

5. Even though you would love to get the latest and greatest, consider purchasing the item that was replaced by the latest and greatest. There shouldn’t be that many changes that you can’t do without, and that little sacrifice can save you a lot of money.

6. Another way to save money is to wait until right before school starts and take advantage of the “tax-free” holidays. Not having to pay sales tax on the item can save you a pretty penny. Of course, there are also sales prior to major holidays. Don’t forget to take advantage of the rebates that often come with new electronics, as well, as they sometimes provide quite a savings.

7. If you find the item online, make sure to check for coupon codes and free shipping offers that can save you even more. The Internet makes it so easy to find the very best deals.


Source by Jamie Jefferson

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No matter if you’ve never had any earlier forex trading experience or education, this system will teach you everything you need to become a forex trader these days.

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Ben Pakulski – The Scientific & Cutting Edge Approach To Building Lean Muscle Mass

Discover How You Can Immediately Double Your Muscle Gains, Remodel ANY "Weak" Bodypart, Smash EVERY Plateau, All While Revealing Your Abs At The SAME Time…

Hi, my name is Benjamin Pakulski and I’m honored for the opportunity to expose the five most common training and dietary mistakes reversing your gains and I am extremely excited to hand you my plateau-busting shortcuts to maximize lean muscle gains, crush "weak body parts" and incinerate fat so you keep your abs the entire time.
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8 Jeep Storage Systems You Haven’t Tried Out Yet


You will always find a need to carry an extra bag or some water for your safari in the summer. Your jeep accessories will also need to be stored safely away during this adventurous time of the year and you expect them to be in tip top condition when the season is over. This is why these 8 storage systems are designed specially for your needs. Let’s take a tour.

1. Jeep modular rack system

This is an open storage system made up of a bracket kit and universal tray which when joined make up a shelf like system. It can be fitted onto the jeep spare tire or onto the sports bars and it can easily be removed when not in use. The greatest thing about it is that you can buy the parts separately in major outlets when you do not have the extra buck. It also does not require any drilling to fit in so you don’t have to worry about destroying your beautiful jeep.

2. Console storage system

Looking for convenience? This jeep storage system not only provides a storage tray and a pull-out beverage cooler but also acts as an armrest, cup holder as well as a writing board. Advanced models come with power points for electronic accessories, interior lights and a first aid kit. They also come in various colors for those fashion forward folks out there.

3. Instatrunk storage system

As the name suggests, this is an instant trunk storage that is fastened on the cargo area of your jeep behind the rear seat. It is made of steel and it is lockable keeping your luggage secure and well out of sight. Neat and safe!

4. Jeep saddlebags

These are bags attached to your jeep rear sports bars that provide storage space leaving your floor free for heavier cargo. They are made of a variety of premium fabrics of your choice that are durable. Saddlebags from some outlets come with extra benefit of UV protection for even more durability.

5. Jeep Door storage jackets

It is very irritating to find your doors chipped after storing them during the hot weather. The door storage jackets provide storage for full doors and upper doors protecting them from degradation when not in use.

6. Under seat locking storage box

This heavy duty steel storage box is your best bet for storing your valuables. It comes with a pick-resistant lock and is just the right size to fit right under the driver’s seat making theft almost impossible.

7. Hardtop storage system

This system helps you remove and store not only your hardtop but also your full steel doors, half steel doors, soft upper doors and upper door sliders. After removal, you just slide your accessories away to safety. They also come with covers to protect your accessories from damage.

8. Window storage duffel bag

Do you have those removable soft top windows? These duffel bags will give you that reliable storage to protect your windows from dust, scratches and moisture which would destroy your windows.

These jeep storage systems will give you safe, reliable service to enjoy your hard earned accessories for as long as possible. Bestop provides a one stop shop for all your jeep storage systems at affordable prices.


Source by Bonney Bwire