Category Archives: Uncategorized

Nano Material, Lead, Dense Material Boxes Needed to Protect Electronics


We need all Emergency services, First Responders and Military to have reserve back-ups communication devices immediately available stored in Nano Boses, Lead Boxes or a Box made of dense material which will protect them from EMP Electro Magnetic Energy Pulse Weapons. Additionally any time a small hand held device such as a laptop, cell phone, handy talkie, two way radio, etc is not being used they too should be stored in the boxes. Aircraft hangers, which house new and latest technology aircraft should be lined with these materials. People at home in their houses should have a safe, perhaps with an inner lining of these materials to park their electronics at night. Back up hard drives for important financial institutions, government operations, emergency services, military operations should be stored in rooms, which are underground and lined with these materials.

Electronic Attack, EA, will be a bigger component of warfare in the future. Disrupting the enemy goes back as far as the theories of Sun Tzu in the Art of War and there is nothing more disruptive in our present period than a complete elimination of all electronic devices in our civilization. War planners today call it a major component in the Fog of War, where your enemy does not know what is going on. Increasing the uncertainty of events is part of warfare strategy and it is no secret to anyone who studies the game of war. When communication lines are down and you cannot get damage assessment reports, you cannot make decisions relevant to continue the fight, this causes hesitation and aides your enemy. You can bet that the United States uses these tactics when we go to war and you can be sure as the new net centric style of warfare continues so to will our enemies find solace in EA.

Citizens who are interested in protecting their data or electronics should be able to buy such items as these boxes at Wal-Mart or Home Depot for $24.95 to fit a couple of laptops and four family cell phones. There is more and more talk about a detonation device launched high above our country or a suit case pulse detonation EMP bomb being deployed atop a building in a large city instantly frying all you electronics. This means your cars electronic brain, the gas pumps, credit card processing machines, refrigerator, microwave, municipal facilities, power lines; everything electronic. This means hospitals, schools, military, police, fire, hydro plants, airports, sewer treatment, potable water pumps; a dooms day scenario like the worst Y2K predictions. Saving your personal information is key. We know today that our military, government and many financial institutions have their important data stored underground in salt mines, yet most all facilities which run the flows of our civilization are kept out in the open in simple structures using mundane building materials which often cannot even survive a small Tornado, Hurricane, flood, fire or eco-terrorist. We need to be thinking here on ways to protect our electronics and protect them from EMP. Think about it.


Source by Lance Winslow

Calendaring Under the CCP – Extending Time Based On Service Method Or Not


Deadlines must be calculated at every phase of the California state court lawsuit. If you manually calculate the last day to take a particular action, e.g., to move to compel further responses to discovery, or you manually calculate the last day to respond to something, e.g., a cross-complaint or discovery, you must follow several steps, in the proper order. Usually, the last step is to extend the deadline if the document which triggered the running of the deadline was served by any means other than personal service. However, there are exceptions, and unless you use an up-to-date guide like Litigation By The Numbers®-Fourth Edition coupled with a rules-based computerized program to automatically calculate your deadlines, you must tread very carefully at this last step.

Adding time when you should not, or failing to add time when you should, will result in a calendaring error. If you fail to add an extension on your client’s behalf when you should have, the papers will be served and/or filed early. This is not a problem. But, if you fail to add an extension when calendaring the opposing party’s deadline, you would, at best, suffer embarrassment were you to contend that they were late. If you err by adding an extension for your client when you should not, however, there will be dire consequences indeed: a waiver of your client’s rights, and quite possibly, a malpractice claim against your law firm. Clearly, then, it behooves anyone who manually calendars deadlines to take a close look at the exceptions. But, first, some time-extension basics.

For the most part, deadlines start running from service of some triggering document, e.g., service of interrogatories triggers the deadline for serving the response; service of responses to interrogatories triggers the deadline for serving a motion to compel further responses, etc. Any service method other than personal service will result in a delay between the act of service (i.e., deposit in a USPS mail box, transmission to a fax machine, sending an electronic transmission), on the one hand, and the other party’s receipt of the document, on the other. To obviate any prejudice in this delay in receipt, various extensions of time are added depending upon the method by which the triggering document is served. These extensions of time are found in C.C.P. Sections 1013 and 1010.6 (for ease of reference, “Extending Statutes”), as follows:

C.C.P. Section 1013 extends certain deadlines to act or respond for all service methods except electronic service (i.e., mail, fax, express mail or overnight delivery). It provides that “any period of notice and any right or duty to do any act or make any response within any period or on a date certain after service of the document, which time period or date is prescribed by statute or rule of court, shall be extended by…” five days if mailed within California, and two court days if served via fax, express mail or overnight delivery.

C.C.P. Section 1010.6 extends certain deadlines to act or respond by two court days when the triggering document is served electronically.

Before we tackle the various exceptions, we should differentiate between exceptions, on the one hand, and instances where the extensions are presumably inapplicable in the first place — deadlines which start running from mailing, not service. For example, under C.R.C., Rule 3.1700, the deadline for filing and serving a memorandum of costs runs from, among other things, the date the clerk mails the notice of entry of judgment. Under C.C.P. Section 411.20, the deadline for paying filing fees after bouncing a check runs from the date the clerk mails notice that the check bounced.

There are at least two reasons why the C.C.P. Section 1013 extensions for service by mail should not be applicable to these deadline calculations. First, C.C.P. Section 1013 expressly provides that the extensions apply to any period or date certain “after service” of a document. It does not say “after mailing” of a document. Second, where the triggering document must be mailed, and the deadline is therefore based on mailing, it would be counter-intuitive to add extra time for mail. That is, unless the particular statute provides otherwise. See, for example, C.C.P. Section 488.460, dealing with safe deposit box attachments. This section requires the levying officer to mail notice to the judgment creditor that an additional fee is due, and provides a deadline of three business days “plus the extended time period specified in subdivision (a) of Section 1013 for service by mail” within which to pay that fee. Now, on to the exceptions.

Each Extending Statute contains three express exceptions: (1) “notice of intention to move for new trial,” (2) “notice of intention to move to vacate judgment pursuant to Section 663a,” and (3) “notice of appeal” (for ease of reference, “Express Exceptions”). The hard and fast rule with Express Exceptions is simple to follow: do not ever add time when calculating one of these deadlines! Instead, think “malpractice.”

In addition to the Express Exceptions, the Extending Statutes allude to others, providing that the extensions apply in the absence of a specific exception provided by “any other statute or rule of court” (for ease of reference, “Specific Exceptions”). You can find the Specific Exceptions by searching the Code of Civil Procedure and the Rules of Court for references to C.C.P. Sections 1013 and 1010.6.

Your search will reveal Specific Exceptions referencing Section 1013 generally, thus making it clear that there is no extension for service by mail, fax, express mail, or overnight delivery. You will find some that only except the extension for service by mail, leaving unanswered whether C.C.P. Section 1013’s extensions for fax or overnight delivery remain applicable. You will not find a single exception specifically relating to extensions for fax service or electronic service. You will, however, find one rule of court, very recently revised, which makes it clear that no extension is applicable, even for electronic service. Let’s take a look at the Specific Exceptions your search may reveal.

Section 116.140 (Small Claims Actions) provides that “Section 1013… on the extension of the time for taking action when notice is given by mail” does not apply to small claims actions. This leaves unanswered questions: What about service by fax or overnight mail under Section 1013, or electronic service under Section 1010.6? Do those extensions apply? The plain language of the relevant statutes as currently drafted dictate that they do: Sections 1013 and 1010.6 both clearly provide that there is an extension in the absence of a Specific Exception, and this exception specifies mail, nothing else. I am not, however, suggesting that you add an extension for everything but mail!

Section 413.20 (Service of Summons By Mail) provides: “If a summons is served by mail pursuant to this chapter, the provisions of Section 1013 that extend the time for exercising a right or doing an act shall not extend any time specified in this title.” There are three provisions for serving a summons by mail: (1) service by notice and acknowledgment of receipt under Section 415.30, (2) service by certified mail on an out-of-state defendant under Section 415.40, and (3) certified mail on a lessee in certain unlawful detainer actions under Section 415.47. The exception makes clear that you do not add additional time for mail when calculating the response due dates.

Section 437c (Motions for Summary Judgment), which sets forth the deadlines for notices of motion, oppositions, and replies for motions for summary judgment and summary adjudication, expressly provides that Section 1013 does not apply. This exception should not be surprising; the statute contains its own extensions of time for notice based upon service via fax, express mail or overnight delivery. It would make no sense to add the C.C.P. Section 1013 extensions on top of the built-in extensions. But, there is no mention of the extension for electronic service.

Section 594 (Notice of Trial) provides that a trial or hearing may be held in the absence of the adverse party so long as the requisite notice has been given. Subsection (b) provides: “The time provisions of Section 1013 shall not serve to extend the notice of trial requirements under this subdivision for unlawful detainer actions.” There is no mention of an exception for electronic service.

Section 659 (Notice of Intention to Move for New Trial) provides that the time “shall not be extended by… those provisions of Section 1013 of this code which extend the time for exercising a right or doing an act where service is by mail.” Again, the specific reference to mail under Section 1013 might make one wonder what happens when service is by fax, overnight mail, or electronic service, but there is actually an answer to this one. Notice of intention to move for a new trial is one of the Express Exceptions in Sections 1013 and 1010.6. So, this is not really a Specific Exception at all. It is just a very handy reminder that you never, ever extend the deadline for filing notice of intention to move for a new trial regardless of the service method.

Section 663a (Notice of Intention to Move to Set Aside Judgment) provides that the “provisions of Section 1013 of this code extending the time for exercising a right or doing an act where service is by mail shall not apply to extend the time above specified.” Again, as one of the three Express Exceptions, this is not a Specific Section, but a great reminder to never extend this deadline regardless of the service method.

Section 1005 (Regular Motions), which sets forth the deadlines for notices of motion, oppositions, and replies for regular motions, provides: “Section 1013, which extends the time within which a right may be exercised or an act may be done, does not apply to a notice of motion, papers opposing a motion, or reply papers governed by this section.” Like the Section 437c exception, this one is not surprising because Section 1005 contains its own extensions of time based upon service by fax, express mail, or overnight delivery. But, what about electronic service?

Section 1094.6 (Petition for Writ of Mandate) provides that the deadline for filing a petition for writ of mandate following a decision of a local agency other than a school district starts running from the date the decision becomes final. Where there is a provision for a written decision or written findings, the decision is final on the date it is mailed to the party seeking the writ. Section 1094.6 provides that “Subdivision (a) of Section 1013 does not apply to extend the time, following deposit in the mail of the decision or findings, within which a petition shall be filed.” Given that the decision is supposed to be mailed, however, Section 1013 is probably not applicable in the first place, making the exception superfluous.

The cited statutes referring only to service by mail were drafted decades ago, when futuristic technological advances like fax and electronic service were not contemplated. The statutes which exclude all C.C.P. Section 1013 extensions have not yet been amended in light of C.C.P. Section 1010.6. But, things are beginning to change, at least in the Rules of Court.

C.R.C., Rule 3.1312, another Specific Exception, sets forth the time limit for a party to object to a proposed order. Before it was amended as of January 1, 2011, the rule required the prevailing party to mail the proposed order to the opposing party, and allotted the opposing party a mere five days from mailing to notify the prevailing party whether or not it approves the proposed order. Notwithstanding the fact that the deadline was based on mailing, the rule included a Specific Exception: “Code of Civil Procedure section 1013, relating to service of papers by mail, does not apply to this rule.”

The January 1, 2011, amendment made two key changes. First, the rule no longer requires the prevailing party to mail the proposed order. On the contrary, service by mail is impliedly prohibited; the proposed order now must be served by a means “reasonably calculated to ensure delivery to the other party or parties no later than the close of the next business day,” i.e., not U.S. Mail. Second, the amended rule provides that: “The extensions of time based on a method of service provided under any statute or rule does not apply to this rule.” This all-encompassing language makes clear that there is no extension of time for any service method.

We need more amendments like this. Statutes which except extensions only for service by mail, should be amended so that they except all service methods under C.C.P. Section 1013 and C.C.P. Section 1010.6. Rather than amending every Specific Exception, perhaps C.C.P. Section 1013 could be revised to provide something to the effect that: “This extension applies in the absence of either of the following in any other statute or rule of court: (i) a specific exception, or (ii) an exception referring to service by mail.” C.C.P. Section 1010.6 could be amended to provide: “This extension applies in the absence of either of the following in any other statute or rule of court: (i) a specific exception, or (ii) an exception to one or more extensions provided by Section 1013.” These amendments would go a long way toward eliminating the pervasive ambiguities with which we currently contend.

In the meantime, if you have any doubt whatsoever, DO NOT extend your deadline. The risk of malpractice is simply too great. And, as I always recommend, use a rules-based computerized calendaring program like Deadlines On Demand ( to calculate your deadlines.


Source by Julie Goren

Toyota Etios Cross – An Eye-Catching Car


Toyota Etios Cross was originally launched by Toyota auto for the Brazilian market. The latest Etios cross is the third version in the Etios Liva line-up.

Toyota Etios cross has not been launched in India yet. It is expected to be launched by April 2014. The expected price is between Five to 7.70 lakh rupees. The car had its Indian début at the Delhi Auto Expo 2014. The car resembles Volkswagen Cross Polo and the Ford EcoSport. It will come in both petrol and diesel variants. Once introduced in Indian market, the Toyota Etios cross will be competing with cars like the Volkswagen Cross Polo, Ford Eco sport, Renault Duster and the Nissan Terrano among others.

The mileage of the car is expected to be 23.59 kmpl, which is very good. It will come with three engine options, which will be 1.2 litre petrol, 1.5-litre petrol and a 1.4 litre D-4D diesel. The company has equipped all these engines with a 5-speed manual transmission gearbox as well as front wheel drive.

The exterior of the car is much like Cross Polo, which is a beefed up version of standard car. The look mainly appeals to the youth. It has taller wheels and the front façade comes with a bold front grille accompanied by a silver garnished guard. The overall design is pretty much like the Etios Liva hatchback. The company’s logo right in the centre gives it a bold look.

The interior of Etios is same as standard car except for some new seat fabrics and trim accents. It has all the necessary features such as music system, air conditioning unit, cup holders, glove box unit, advanced instrumentation panel, bottle holders and accessory power outlets. It also has storage compartments, rear defogger and front intermittent wiper with washer. The Etios cross variants get a piano black theme on the dashboard along with a sporty seat fabric and white contrast stitching on the seats as well as a leather wrapped steering wheel.

The Etios has a seating capacity of five adults. The other features include central door remote, power windows on all four windows and Air conditioning. The safety provisions include dual front SRS airbags, ABS with EBD, and an immobilizer system. Handling of this car will be easy for the driver as the company has fitted this vehicle with an advanced electric power assisted steering system that offers an incredible response. An anti lock braking system with electronic brake force distribution system will aid in braking.

Toyota Etios cross is mainly aimed for the young generation and hence it has a very stylish and sporty look. It will definitely be an eye-catching car for the youth with all the comfort.


Source by Alan William George

Should Your Motel Invest in a Wood Key Box?


While some of the nicer hotels in the world have all made the transition to electronic key systems, the reality is, that many smaller motels can’t afford the investment in such systems. A wood key box could be a great compromise that will not only add security to your motel, but style as well.

So many motels still have a big, ugly board with hooks where all of the room keys are held. Not only does this detract from the beauty of the motel, but it also is extremely unsecured for both you as the proprietor and your guests. At anytime, someone could walk behind the desk when someone isn’t looking and take any key they want. I don’t know about you, but that isn’t the kind of establishment I’d like to stay at.

A wood key box solves this problem and more. A typical key box ranges in capacity from 50 to 200 keys, and as they gain popularity they can come in a variety of wood finishes as well.

So how about the security aspect of things? A wood key cabinet usually features a basic tumbler lock, however many key boxes can be ordered with custom lock systems such as dual control, master keyed, combination lock, and even an electronic lock. With options like these you no longer have to worry about the security of your guests, because all of the motel’s keys are locked in a safe place. This is even more secure if the box is kept out of site of the front desk. However, if your key box is behind the desk, the ambiance the wood adds makes this a much better option than a standard unsightly metal box.

However, if you keep your key cabinet out of site, then a metal one may be just what you are looking for. There are more options on the market, and they can be less expensive.


Source by Shaun Sherman

Killer Tips To Cleaning Your Electric or Gas Smoker


Over the years, electronic smokers have become very popular among people all around the world. They are made using two digitally controlled heat generators which can control the temperature and burn wood chips to create smoke. They are especially popular among the BBQ lovers because it can be used as an alternative to traditional grilling or smoking with charcoal and wood burners. Electric smokers are easy to use and they can save a lot of time and money. But in order to get the maximum benefits out of your electric smoker you should maintain it properly. Many smokers need to be seasoned, most will need periodic repair and all should be cleaned regularly.

It is advised to clean the smoker after every use. A quick wipe down the exterior will make the appliance look good, but that will not be enough. There are some steps you should follow in order to clean the interior and this article will guide you step by step in the cleaning process.

First of all you will have to unplug the electric smoker’s power from the plug. Then you will have to wait for some time until it gets cool and safe to touch. Then you will have to open the door or the lid of the smoker and the placement of the door will depend from model to model. This will assist you to remove the cooking grates and take them out.

Then you will have to take them outdoors because it will require more space in the cleaning process. Once you take them to your garden, you can spray the cooking grates on both sides with an oven cleaner for 30 minutes and then rinse them with a garden hose. You can wipe the exterior of the electric smoker with a piece of cloth and it is better to use liquid soap in this process. There will be grease in the interior bottom of the smoker and you should use a plastic putty knife in order to take them out. This grease can be mopped up using paper towels. Then you can use the broom and the dustpan to sweep the ash collected in the smoking chamber.

After completing the cleaning process, you can replace the cooking grates inside the smoker and close the lid. Make sure that you replace all the items in the proper place or else you will not be able to use it anymore. Finally you can put a protective cover over the smoker and keep it until it’s time for the next use. As the smoker is made out of metal, it will be subjected to rust. So keep an eye on your smoker and if you observe any rust, clean it immediately with a piece of sandpaper and apply good quality paint.

If you follow these steps after every single use of your smoker, you will be able to use it for a long period of time. Doing so will increase the effectiveness of the appliance and always remember that your smoker is your key to great food.


Source by Dan Engler

Printing Nowadays Can Be Used for More Than Books and Reading Material


Printing was once confined to using either a printing press to print words in ink onto paper for books, posters, leaflets and other reading material or to reproduce printed versions of documents typed on a computer and sent electronically to an office printer and copier.

Printing technology has been forging ahead rapidly and developments will soon make it possible to manufacture all sorts of sophisticated, smaller and cheaper electronic and communication products.

Imagine, for example, an “intelligent” pill box that can keep track electronically of how much medication a patient has taken or even textiles that can detect the temperature and adjust a heating system accordingly.

Although it sounds like science fiction the technology for the components for such articles has already been developed and is now being refined for a greater range of uses.

Much of our modern equipment, such as computers, mobile phones, or the electrics in cars, has historically used circuit boards that consist of metal channels using fine wires embedded on a surface called a substrate.

The two things that make circuit boards usable for a wider range of applications are the ability to to print onto a very thin flexible surface, such as sheets of plastic or polyester film or even fabric and the availability of a metallic ink that is capable of conducting electrical signals and can be reliably used in printing.

In 2009 a well-known manufacturer of printers and copiers announced that it had successfully developed a low temperature silver ink that could do the job.

According to the website Wikipedia silver inks for flexible circuitry have multiple uses today including printing radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags used in modern transit tickets and can be used to repair circuits on printed circuit boards.

Computer keyboards have membranes also using printed circuits that sense when a key is pressed and the defrosters in car windscreens use printed circuitry applied to the glass.

The market for flexible, printed circuit boards is being predicted to be worth more than $16 billion by the year 2015. The main demand at the moment has been identified as coming from industries including defence and aerospace, telecommunications, automotive and industrial markets and most strongly from the Asia-Pacific region.

A company in the USA already supplies a kit that engineers can use to create functional electrical circuits with a thermal inkjet desktop printer. The kit includes the substrate made of treated polyester (the material to be printed on), a thermal inkjet printer, a cartridge filled with conductive ink and the maintenance kit and manual.

Eventually, as the new printing technology develops even more it will become possible to produce very much smaller, lighter and cheaper gadgets like games consoles, mobile phones, small cameras or even flexible computer screens thin enough to be rolled up for carrying. Already it is possible to make tiny, printed batteries.

Although this sort of printing technology is mainly of use to manufacturers of products, as it is continually refined and becomes more widely available, one could imagine it findingits way into office printing and copying equipment too.

There may come a time when printed flexible circuitry will make even these office machines considerably lighter and less bulky because it allows for machines that are considerably less bulky.

Copyright (c) 2010 Alison Withers


Source by Ali Withers

You Are Facing a Serious Rodent Infestation – Save Your House From Unwelcome Invaders


Is your house no longer the perfect cozy place where you could enjoy your rest and have a good night sleep? Well, if you are facing the dreadful attack of some annoying rodents, you should definitely take immediate actions. The invading mice and rats could bring some serious diseases to your household and could even cause structural damage to the foundations of your house. Those little rodents just love gnawing electrical wires and chewing the exposed plumbing pipes. You cannot ignore the infestation problem! Let’s see what your options are:

Choose the green pest control approach

There are several ways to handle a rodent infestation, though not all of them consist of really humane methods. For the sake of your well-being and for maintaining a healthy environment in your home you should try out the organic approach first.

  • Use mice’s strong sense of smell to your advantage. Some non toxic repellents could be the perfect solution to your problem. They won’t harm your kids and pets and they have a good chance to put an end to your fight with the prying mice. Rodents definitely avoid minty smells, thus you could dip some mothballs in peppermint oil and distribute those near to the places that you suspect your new “tenants” to nest. You can add the strong scented liquid to some cotton balls just as well and place them in the key entryways and staircases.
  • Against the common belief most pet cats are too spoiled and lazy to put up the fight against the invading rodents. If you have a special cat breed like a Persian cat, it would most definitely watch indifferently the tiny hungry mouse while it is eating up your food stash. However, there is another way to take advantage of the cat’s presence in your home – you can use its litter box as natural rodent repellent. Just place it near your home entrance and you will successfully chase away any curious mouse.
  • If you fill in the existent mouse holes with steel wool pads you will prevent the rodents from getting back to their hideaways for good. They won’t be able to chew their way in through the rigid material and you’d be safe.
  • As strange as it may sound dried snake poo is another natural rodent repellent that you should also try out. Mice just hate that smell and it would take you little effort to get your hands on that pest invasion remedy. Just go to the local pet store and buy the amount of the given substance that you need. Thanks God you do not need to invest in the whole package and adopt a snake pet that will chase away the invading mice.

Take some preventive measures

In order to live in a rodent free home you should eliminate or isolate anything that could eventually attract such pests.

  • You should unclutter your house and put everything in order. You should regularly clean it and vacuum it so that there is no food waste and residual that could tempt the little invaders. Do not leave your garbage bin open, or your waste bags unsealed. Take them out as soon as they are full so that they do not ooze any rotting food smell. Rodents are attracted by the warmth of your home and the opportunity to get a hold on some food and water. If you give them access to the goodies that they are after they won’t ever want to leave.
  • Make sure to keep your food well protected in tightly closed containers in your fridge and in our cupboards. Pet food is also a preferred snack for the mice so – be careful where you leave it.
  • Make your house an unyielding fortress. Fill in every hole there is in your walls or floors and seal any crack you see. Prevent the rodents from invading your home.
  • And finally be always on the lookout. Look regularly for signs of rodent infestation. As we’ve mentioned previously mice tend to gnaw pipes, wires and structure foundations, so it will be quite easy to trace their destructive impact on your home. Small droppings in your closet or in your cupboards where you have spilled food are a common sign of mice presence. As the problem gets more serious you’d even start hearing their noisy running feet within your walls.

Is it time for taking crucial measures?

If all the methods mentioned above have failed, you can simply turn to the professionals. They will know how to proceed and will save you a lot of efforts and time. They might not always use the green approach, but they will definitely pick up the best solution to your problems. Depending on the seriousness of the situation they might use snap, glue, live or electronic traps. Poison bait boxes are rarely used so you could calm down – those skilled pest exterminators will never risk you family’s health when dealing with the rodent infestation.


Source by David Drasnin

Fireproof Titan Gun Safe Review


My personal experience with the Titan Gun Safe

The Fireproof Titan Gun Safe with Electronic Lock is a panelized safe that can be put in any room or closet of your house. I got it because I needed a way to keep my growing gun collection and other valuables safe, and it sounded much easier and more convenient than the traditional style of larger gun safes.

This secure, welded, panelized safe comes in a convenient, easy-to-assemble package that can be delivered to your door, then brought one piece at a time to any location in your home, and can be assembled without tools in minutes thanks to the Kwik-Lock System. This is far preferable than needing two or three big guys and a heavy duty dolly to manhandle a pre-assembled safe up stairs and around tight corners!

Inside the Titan Gun Safe

It comes with a lined interior and adjustable lined shelves-two smaller shelves and one large shelf-which really come in handy if you also want to store photos, jewelry, gold, cash, etc. It gives you a nice place to set boxes of ammunition, your wife’s boxes of better jewelry (you spent the money on it, might as well make sure it’s safe!) and important documents, such as passports, wills, the deed to your house, etc.

I also like to keep my most important client files in there, as well as the back up for the hard drives of my home computer and laptop. After losing my laptop on a business trip once-with important and sensitive customer information on it-I’ll never be without a computer back up again! And now I know that when I’m away from home and lose my laptop, there is a back up of my computer files ready for me at home if I ever need it, safe from fires and prying eyes.

You can also store, mementos, photos, photo negatives, and other valuables in the safe, and be sure that your guns and valuables are protected from fire or theft. In fact, the solid steel body panels are rated for one hour fire shield protection at 2300 degrees Fahrenheit, with heat activated fire seals for the door. I figure that’s plenty long enough to give the fire department a chance to get there and get the flames out, should the worst ever happen. You can replace a lot of things in a fire, but photos and sentimental items are gone forever, without some way of protecting them.

The finish is a very nice, powder coated finish, and the safe has a UL Security listed SecuRam electronic digital lock, with eight locking bolts of chrome steel and a spring loaded relocker. The door is a “non breach seal” commercial grade deadbolt door which is sledgehammer and pry bar resistant. I like to picture a couple of frustrated robbers sneaking away from my house in irritation after ten minutes of tugging and whacking at my safe. It makes me laugh!

With the ultra-tough building and a full one year warranty, you can rest assured that your gun collection will be safely out of reach of children, untrained visitors, or would-be thieves, and that your valuables and important documents are in the safest place you could provide in your own home. I can’t imagine having a better place to keep all my “good stuff”!

The Titan Gun Safe has a pretty roomy interior for the size! It holds either six or twelve long guns, depending on the configuration you choose, and has a side gun rack and additional full gun rack. And don’t forget those adjustable shelves where you can place a box that holds your special handguns-perfect for someone with an antique gun collection. And I really like that the shelves are adjustable, so I can slide in a tall, skinny ammo can for the lower shelf and just slip my wife’s necklace and bracelet boxes on the shelf above. I keep my small stack of documents on the wider shelf at the top, so they won’t get damaged by having ammo boxes or other things thrown on top of them.

At fifty-nine inches high and seventeen inches deep, it will fit in most closets, and be out of sight from the casual observer. I like that, because I’ve never been one who wants to advertise to every repairman and deliveryman that comes into my house that I have a nice gun collection to steal.

Easy Assembly with the Titan Gun Safe

But for sure, the best thing about this safe is the fact that I could just carry the pieces of the safe upstairs one or two at a time, without asking a buddy for help. No one wants to have to ask their buddy to help them move a 300-1000 pound safe to the upper level of their home. It’s going to take more than a six pack, unless those are some REALLY good pals! So I chose this safe, so I could move the pieces upstairs by myself, one at a time. One important thing to note is that the door is attached to the door frame, which makes that piece really heavy, but I just slipped it off and carried it up separately. The door is still about a hundred pounds, but I could maneuver that myself.

Another thing you never think of when buying a safe is-what if you move? Wow, you’d have to move the safe all over again! Who wants to do that with a one-piece safe? Not me. Much nicer to know I can take it apart if that time ever comes.

I found it easy to assemble once I checked out the company’s assembly video. You can choose two configurations for long gun storage-one way you can store six long guns, and the other way you can store twelve. But personally, I wouldn’t try to get more than ten in there at once, unless you like having them rub together. Although it’s roomy for its size, the safe might be a tad bit smaller than some other safes, but it fits nicely in almost any closet or tight corner, and fits plenty of guns and stuff for the average gun owner.

I hope this review of the Titan Gun Safe with Fireproof Electronic Lock gives a complete picture of what to expect when buying and using this safe. Assembling it and changing the combination was pretty easy. I haven’t had any problems with it, and now I know my guns are safely put away when we have company over, or the babysitter is alone in the house with the kids. And when I go on vacation, I feel a little more at ease knowing my valuables aren’t easy pickings. You just can’t put a price on peace of mind.


Source by Mike Caputo

Beginning Electric Violin – A Review of Equipment


Learning to play electric violin shares many similarities with studying acoustic violin, with a few important differences. The first is that almost every acoustic violin is shaped and tuned the same way. Electric violins, however, can come in many shapes and varieties, including 4-string, 5-string, 7-string, fretted, and some with the upper bout removed entirely to allow easier playing in the higher positions. And, in fact, your acoustic violin can be “converted” into an electric by attaching either a microphone or a piezo pickup to the body. Most other electric violins use a solid body, just like most electric guitars (such as the ubiquitous fender stratocaster). What follows is a review of electric violins and a discussion of some of the additional equipment you will likely require.

While there are many electric violins on the market by large volume manufacturers, most of these just don’t sound very good. Some of the better (and mostly handmade) electric violins are reviewed below. I made my selection from instruments that I have either played or owned.

In general, I am not a fan of mass produced instruments. But Yamaha makes some of the best. Part of the Yamaha silent series, the model SV-200 features a dual piezo pickup. This is supposed to improve the sensitivity of the instrument to the subtleties of your playing, especially dynamic (volume) range. Coming in at around $1000, this instrument is cheaper than the others I will review below. On playing the instrument, I thought it was indeed responsive, certainly more so than previous Yamaha instruments. The on-board pre-amp allows for some sound manipulation on the instrument itself rather than in a separate, detached unit. The down-side of this is that it increases the weight of the violin.

Another popular model is made by NS Designs. This company uses a proprietary piezo pickup that is designed to be very clean and sound more like an acoustic violin in its unprocessed state. I sampled a a 5-string model, and I thought that the neck was overly thick and the instrument rather heavy. Still, if you are looking for a clean sound, this might be a good choice.

Zeta has earned itself a lot of hype in part because Boyd Tinseley, of Dave Matthews Band, uses a Zeta instrument called (what else) the “Boyd Tinsley.” Zeta also uses a proprietary piezo pick-up that has a very characteristic sound. If you have ever heard Santana play guitar, then you probably recognize his distinctive sound that comes from the combination of his Paul Reed Smith guitar coupled with a Mesa Boogie amp. Most of the sound coming out of that amp, no matter how the sound is EQ’d sounds “Boogified” to me. Similarly, I felt playing on this instrument that my sound would get “Zeta’d” by the pick-up. And you either like this sound or you don’t. A big downside to this zeta model is that it is quite heavy.

Mark Wood, Another “boutique” maker of electric violins, recognized that trying to hold a 7-string fretted violin under the neck is quite difficult, due to the weight. Thus, he designed and patented a “flying v-shape” with a strap that fits around your torso and holds the violin up in a playing position. Though it can take some time to get used to, this design really does support the weight of the fiddle well. Make no mistake — adding frets to the violin is a big adjustment for the classical player. In fact, if you have ever played a mandolin, you probably realize how much the frets can change things. Sliding and vibrato techniques are very difficult on a fretted instrument. In my opinion, the frets are best for allowing guitar players and others familiar with fretted instruments to circumvent the usual requirement of pinpoint accuracy with finger placement which is necessary for playing in tune on the an acoustic violin. The 7-string fretted model, which is the flagship instrument in his line of electric violins, is priced at $3500. Mark Wood does not use proprietary piezo pickups. Rather, he uses either Barbera or Schatten pickups, which are mass produced piezo pickeps that are used in many different electric violins.

A former Zeta employee, John Jordan makes custom electric violins in almost every combination of material, strings and frets that you can imagine. Jordan started his own design studio when he became disillusioned by Zeta’s increasingly commercial attitude. Jordan handcrafts each instrument using his patented shape, which eliminates the peg-box and puts machined tuners near the bridge. This is designed to make the instrument lighter. Jordan is very much the true luthier of electric instruments. Many of his models, particularly the ones made of wood, are very attractive. Jordan uses a variety of pickups, including Zeta’s proprietary model. In addition, he likes the Barbera piezo pickup for a more “Stradivarius-like” sound, and recommends this pick-up for classical musicians. For rock, jazz and pop, he suggests using the darker, more “Guarneri-like” Ashworth piezo pick-up. Like most other electric violin makers, his 5-string unfretted is his most popular model. It seems to have a thinner neck than other electrics, which allows the classical 4-string acoustic player to make an easier transition to electric.

All of the violins described above are solid-body models. This means that the instrument has no hollow, resonating chamber and therefore produces little to no sound unless it is “plugged in.” However, another way to create an “electric violin” is to replace the bridge on an acoustic violin with a piezo pickup bridge-mount that can be plugged in just like a solid body. The downside to this is that these pickups can generate feedback. However, this option can sound quite nice and retains the customary shape and light weight of the acoustic violin. Common piezo models are the Fishman series and the L.R. Baggs. There are also several smaller “custom” companies that make these pickups, and it can be useful to try these if you don’t like the sound of the Fishman/Baggs. This setup shares all of the same disadvantages as any other violin fitted with a piezo pickup, as described below.

What all electric violins share is the need for an electronic pickup to transmit your playing to a unit capable of sound manipulation, such as a pre-amp or rack unit, and ultimately to another unit capable of sound production. The two major types of pick-ups in use in today’s plugged-in instruments are piezo and electromagnetic. Piezo pickups are used almost exclusively for electric violins. They have certain characteristics that some players find less than ideal. While a bow change on an acoustic violin can be completely silent to the listener, the piezo pickup will always transmit bow changes and bow noise. The reason for this is that they use sensitivity to pressure as their primary means of reproducing sound, and bow pressure is always variable. Also, piezo pick-ups have a tendency to sound fuzzy. Many different piezo pick-ups exist on the market, and some electric violin companies use their own proprietary models. The other type of pickup in use for electric violins is the electro-magnetic pickup. This is the pickup found in most guitars, and is considered the ideal form of sound transmission. While it is possible to build this type of pickup into an electric violin, it requires rather extensive modifications to the electric violin’s internal design and is rarely used. Perhaps in the future this type of pickup will become more available.

En route to reaching our ears, the electric violin’s signal usually is passed through a unit (or more often several units) capable of sound manipulation. Many of the same devices used by electric guitar players may also be used for the violin. For instance, reverb and delay units by Lexicon can provide warmth and depth of sound, while distortion boxes can allow the violin sound to approximate that of the guitar (a la Jimmy Hendrix playing America at Woodstock). There are literally hundreds of different devices, including foot pedals, that can manipulate the sound. Below is one of Lexicon’s top of the line reverb rack units. Computers are also increasingly used for sound manipulation and may eventually replace bulky sound manipulation boxes.

For electric violins employing a pickup, a pre-amp is necessary to intensify the signal from your violin, and to allow you to EQ the sound. One popular example of a pre-amp is the L.R. Baggs Para Acoustic DI. Some electric violins also have on-board pre-amps.

Further sound manipulation and signal intensification occurs when the signal is passed through an amplifier. Because most amps work best with mid and low frequency tones, it can be difficult to find a good amp for the electric violin, and even then it is usually necessary to spend a lot of time playing with the EQ. A popular amplifier for electric violin is the Fishman Loudbox 100. An important consideration when choosing an amplifier is that each leaves its own imprint on your sound. Thus, trying before buying is particularly important with amps.

For a more true reproduction of your sound, a PA system with speakers can also be used. The sound can still be EQ’d with a personal PA system and it is possible to preserve the acoustic sound.

Finally, the signal, after passing through the different sound manipulation devices, is broadcast to our ears by speakers. Often, these are built into the amp. You can also add additional speakers to create a stereo effect.

If you are looking to more or less duplicate your acoustic sound, playing electric violin may not be very satisfying to you. But for participating in a band, it allows the player to adjust their volume to match the other instruments, and to alter the sound to fit in better with a rock or pop style of music.

That being said, electric violin usually requires a potentially rather expensive foray into electronic equipment, which can be a lot of fun but also difficult since the sound you are searching for may take a lot of time to find, and may require testing a lot of different gear. Finding “your” sound can be a long journey. Some of the more interesting things you can do is to play on a 5-string, which adds a “c string,” below your “g-string,” or employ an octave pedal, which can drop your pitch an entire octave. Or you can play with distortion or a wah-wah pedal. And, while excellent technique is vital for classical music, electric violin can be more forgiving.

In the end, going electric can allow the violinist to participate in groups where ordinary acoustic violin simply cannot match the volume of the other instruments. In addition, the almost endless ability to manipulate the sound allows the electric violinist to go where no acoustic player has gone before.


Source by Lisa Ann Berman