Should Your Motel Invest in a Wood Key Box?


While some of the nicer hotels in the world have all made the transition to electronic key systems, the reality is, that many smaller motels can’t afford the investment in such systems. A wood key box could be a great compromise that will not only add security to your motel, but style as well.

So many motels still have a big, ugly board with hooks where all of the room keys are held. Not only does this detract from the beauty of the motel, but it also is extremely unsecured for both you as the proprietor and your guests. At anytime, someone could walk behind the desk when someone isn’t looking and take any key they want. I don’t know about you, but that isn’t the kind of establishment I’d like to stay at.

A wood key box solves this problem and more. A typical key box ranges in capacity from 50 to 200 keys, and as they gain popularity they can come in a variety of wood finishes as well.

So how about the security aspect of things? A wood key cabinet usually features a basic tumbler lock, however many key boxes can be ordered with custom lock systems such as dual control, master keyed, combination lock, and even an electronic lock. With options like these you no longer have to worry about the security of your guests, because all of the motel’s keys are locked in a safe place. This is even more secure if the box is kept out of site of the front desk. However, if your key box is behind the desk, the ambiance the wood adds makes this a much better option than a standard unsightly metal box.

However, if you keep your key cabinet out of site, then a metal one may be just what you are looking for. There are more options on the market, and they can be less expensive.


Source by Shaun Sherman

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