and you have been on a roller coaster ride through diets, deprivation, remorse, guilt and that terrible moment when you realize youve actually gained more weight AFTER a new diet and you feel like a failure…
There are some really sneaky BAD IDEAS floating around out there we see them in the check-out line plastered on magazines, we hear them in TV commercials, and we listen to them when our friends get together and talk…
…taken as unspoken truths these fallacies are actually DESTROYING your chance to create and sustain a fit, healthy, and sexy body.
Now I can’t read your mind, but I know that you’re probably nodding your head to at least a few of those.
And I can also tell you that I know, because not so long ago I thought all of the things on that list were true – and that not following them was going to make me fat and keep me from losing my belly flab – EVEN THOUGH I WAS NOT SEEING ANY SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FOLLOWING THOSE RULES!
Do you know the definition of insanity? It’s constantly repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. Insanity used to be my middle name.
My Triet lifestyle was ridiculous. In trying to follow the "rules" that would give me the body I had always wanted, I was instead stuck in a constant cycle of failure… and I couldn’t stop!
That was – until I combined science, food and a system I’ve refined for the past 5 years – and went from a flabby, frustrated "Triet" Slave to the Lean, Sexy, Shredded and Happy person you see today…
I never really believed in dieting. I was always active but after following you, I realized its all what I put in my body. Just wanted…