Create the body and life of your dreams, 
 Master Fear forever, Turn stress into power. 
 BLAST through your previous "personal bests" 
 in  EVERY arena of your life –

For years you’ve seen books and courses about high-level sports psychology, hypnosis, visualization techniques that supposedly produce champions.  Well, wouldn’t you like to have the PRECISE program Coach Sonnon used to win FOUR gold medals in Las Vegas, against competition ten years younger and 100 pounds heavier?

Don’t think the mental aspect is important: well, here’s a clue for you, a little hint, a secret Scott has NEVER admitted publicly until now:

During the ten months of intensive training for the World Martial Arts Games, Coach Sonnon only sparred TWICE. 

That’s right. Look at his performance, and nobody would believe he wasn’t knocking heads every day.  And the secret?   Much of his combat preparation was mental.  And we’re giving away all of the secrets that he and his sports psychology coach, Master Hypnotist Steven Barnes used to create this unique victory in this, TACFIT Warrior, the first complete Athletic/Tactical Body/Mind success system on the planet.

Who else wants to train with the guy who whips the worlds elite warriors’ minds and bodies into shape? 

Hi, my name is Scott Sonnon. For the last fifteen years, my company Rmax and I have brought you the most advanced and powerful fitness and martial arts products in the world. And we’re about to take the company…and you…to a whole new level.

This is something I’ve been working on for twenty years. Heck, thirty-five years, really, and you’ll understand what I mean by the time I’m done. It is the secret to full body-mind integration, what every martial art promises, but has rarely been delivered…not…

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