The Way You Handle Calls, Emails, and Text Messages Makes All The Difference In Getting Him To Fall In Love and Stay In Love With You!
When you’re in the middle of a relationship, your emotions are at an all-time high! It’s VERY hard to know how to handle a man’s perplexing and confusing actions.
The fact is: the way you handle phone calls, emails, and text messages can make or break your relationship!
The good news is that you CAN know exactly how to handle literally every situation you’ll ever encounter when it comes to calling, emailing, and texting the man you want.
Not only that, but it’s easy. Knowing what to do will become second nature to you, once you discover the reasons behind what to do – and what not to do – when it comes to calling men!
Don’t be like most women, who endlessly go from one failed relationship to another, never knowing WHY things never work out.
You’ll understand the effect you have on a man when your calling behavior is "off"!
You will totally "get" what happens in a man’s mind when a woman makes critical mistakes in calling, emailing, and texting the man she wants.
You’ll instinctively pick up on these new ways to act and react. These methods will become second nature to you very quickly – especially when you see how well they work!
"Jack is pursuing Carlie. He’s very interested in her and excited about dating her. He thinks she is quite a catch and hopes she’ll feel the same about him. "Carlie adores Jack, too. She starts calling Jack every day or so – just to say ‘hi.’ Jack starts to think that something is different. Subconsciously, Jack feels that he misjudged her. She’s not really the intriguing girl…