After spending many years doing “self-help,” and working to figure out my own crazy mind and emotions, I started to wonder…
I mean, it’s challenging enough to get up and go to work everyday, pay the bills, keep the kids happy, and keep the car running right… but that’s only PART of life. We ALSO have to deal with the things that we have going on INSIDE of ourselves.
And the question that kept coming up for me was: Why is it so hard to deal with these things we have going on INSIDE… like fear, anxiety, and other psychological challenges?
Well, one of the answers that I came up with is interesting. And it’s something that I think might help YOU deal with some of these same challenges…
You might think the questions I asked above are really talking to you, and really hitting home, that’s because I really have been there. I was that person who would get angry and frustrated with myself and ask myself ‘what the hell is wrong with me?’, I was the person who didn’t want to see anybody socially and kept turning down invitations to go out, but felt sorry for myself when nobody called me to go out. I used to sit on the underground train, going home from work, on Friday nights and look at others on the train secretly wishing I was living their life, they seemed happy, with lots of friends and going out to parties. I couldn’t get organised, I couldn’t get my head together, my thoughts were all over the place, and life just seemed….well…. too much of a hassle.
I struggled for years this way and couldn’t see a way out, I literally thought ‘This is…