Unique Gifts for Grandma – Thinking Outside of the Box


Choosing gifts for a grandma can be challenging. The more traditional gifts of slippers, bath robes, chocolates, flowers, and knickknacks may be fine for some grandmas, but others will appreciate receiving gifts that offer added value and enjoyment, as well as gifts that fill grandma’s needs. Perhaps thinking outside of the box just a little will help before deciding which gifts would be good for the grandma on your list.

What Kinds of Gifts Would Grandma Prefer?

Before purchasing a gift for grandma, it would be wise to consider what she would prefer. Just a few years ago, an independent research firm commissioned by Circuit City Stores, Inc., conducted a national survey on the kinds of gifts mothers preferred for Mother’s Day. Over 3,000, participants from across the country responded. It is interesting to note that consumer electronics such as digital cameras, ranked higher on their lists over some of the more traditional Mother’s Day gifts. The same survey unveiled the following noteworthy statistics. When asked the question, who takes most of the family photos? 58 percent of respondents said, Mom, 28 percent of respondents said, Dad, and 15 percent of respondents said, kids or others. The findings of this survey may indicate that many of today’s grandmas would rather receive consumer electronic gifts over more traditional gifts.

What Gifts Offer Added Value?

In today’s economy, everyone wants to get more bang for their buck. Most grandmothers enjoy taking, sharing, and displaying pictures of their loved ones for all to see, and many grandmas today live hundreds or thousands of miles away from their children and grandchildren. Gifts such as digital and video cameras, electronic frames, and web cameras for computers, offer grandmas the added value of reliving their fondest memories over and over, and the ability to stay more closely connected with their loved ones across the miles.

What Gifts Would Best Meet Grandma’s Needs?

The needs of grandmas vary depending on a number of factors, including the season of life grandma is in. Does she have young grandchildren? Does her family gather at her house for special occasions, vacations, or at other times? If the answer to these questions is yes, then Grandma may be in need of essential baby items and other kids equipment to make her house more child-friendly, and comfortable. Practical gifts for a grandma in this stage of life would include a high chair for baby, and a portable crib. Kids equipment such as wagons, would also be useful grandma gifts, because they keep the grandchildren entertained while making grandma’s house more inviting and fun!

The next time you are choosing gifts for grandma, you may find the perfect gift by looking just a little outside of the box.


Source by Teresa Burton

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