Using an electric bug zapper seems easy enough, put it where the bugs are! Maybe you’re out late one summer night and the bugs are relentless! The worst are those blood sucking mosquitoes that nobody wants to be bitten by. The thing that makes them worse than even a few decades ago is that they now carry viruses sometimes, and nobody wants to get sick while enjoying a nice summer evening gathering. There are just a few things you need to know before putting that bug zapper out that will help it work more to your advantage.
First of all, when you use a bug zapper, realize that it may not be in your best interest to locate the unit near the people. It is now being said that as far as seven feet away, particles of a bug zapped in the electric bug zapper can shower down. If you are eating or have food out, you don’t want it to be close enough for that disgusting predicament! You might have a lot of great food out at your gathering, but you don’t need any special bug-zapping garnishes to add to the mix!
Many people think that placing the electric bug zapper near the crowd will keep the bugs away since the bugs will then die and if they come into the area, this will eliminate them. But in fact, the bugs truly are drawn into the light. Think about a moth in the light. That is the effect that using the device near your party will have. This will bring the bugs right to the prime feast, the blood of your guests. Obviously, this is not your goal at all, but since you don’t want to feed your guests to the bugs, you will want to position your bug zapping device farther away from the center of the party zone.
To set up your electric bug zapper, use a shepherd’s hook to hang the bug zapper in a location that is at least twelve feet away from the party area. This will draw the bugs away from the party scene, keeping your guests bug bite free, your food bug-zapping garnish free, and everyone happy and healthy. You will only need an outdoor extension cord that is long enough to accommodate your purposes. With these tips, you and your party guests will enjoy a great evening outside without the mosquitoes and other bugs being too friendly.
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