If you think the Amazon Kindle is only good for giving you the best reading experience, you obviously haven’t explored all of its features yet. Yes, even the applications available on it that are stilled labeled as “Experimental” have their valuable uses already.
One of these is the web browsing feature. True, it still leaves much to be desired compared to browsing on your laptop or smartphone, but when it comes to using its pseudo Kindle GPS that can let you run Google Maps, the fact that it’s not a colored screen doesn’t matter. In fact, basic web browsing is all you would need.
But to make it more convenient for you to access Google Maps, here are a couple of easy shortcuts.
From the home screen:
Go to your Kindle home screen and start typing a URL. This action will immediately prompt the text box to appear at the bottom. Enter the URL — maps.Google.com/m/directions. Then press the controller to the right until you reach the box that says go to. Press the button and you will immediately be taken to the text direction page of Google Maps.
From any page of a book:
Suddenly need directions while your Kindle is open to an eBook page? Not to worry. You don’t even have to go back to the home screen to access Google Maps. Just type any character to bring up the search box. Then, deleting that character first, enter this into the search box: @url maps.google.com/m. Move your controller to the right twice and you should reach “my items”. Click on it and you’ll find yourself in the directions page. When done, just click on the Back key to go back to your book.
Source by Travis Van Slooten