Tag Archives: Diet and Exercise

The Eco Diet: Healthy Eating – Diet Eating Plan

Hello, My name is Sean Kelly. 20 years ago, I quickly lost over 40 pounds of fat and became lean, strong and healthier than I had ever been. I was so shocked with the simplicity and ease of my transformation that I began to research and discover exactly why the unusual methods I used worked so well. In my early 20′s in my desperate effort to get into shape I did hours of “cardio” exercise and bodybuilding at my local gym. I was always on some new diet and I often starved myself trying to get lean. Still, I got nowhere. Any small gains I did make seemed impossible to hold onto and were quickly lost. I began to wonder “why on earth is it so impossibly difficult to lose some fat and keep it off?” Upon discovering the principles in this book, my problems quickly ended for good. The underlying truth behind why we are becoming so increasingly fat and unhealthy continues to be hidden from the vast majority of us. The simple, elegant solutions delivering permanent fat loss and health are equally unknown. Yet, these proven methods will work for anyone.

The Eco-Diet isn’t some fad “diet of the week”. It’s a scientifically based and nutritionally sound way of eating based on the same diet our ancestors followed for thousands of years. Let me share with you some of the truth I discovered: the entire food industry, diet and fitness industry, and the medical and pharmaceutical industries REQUIRE YOU TO BE AS FAT AND UNHEALTHY AS POSSIBLE. Otherwise, they will simply have fewer “customers” and will make less money. Unfortunately, these immensely powerful industries highly influence our government. This is why the odds have been stacked against you right from the start. This is…