Tag Archives: Portraits

Photography Posing Secrets – The Photographers Essential Guide Vol.2

One of the most popular forms of photography is portraiture. Whether you are an enthusiastic amateur or a seasoned professional you will almost certainly have been asked to capture someone’s image. However, so will almost every other photographer. If you want your work to stand out in the crowd you need the ability to produce images that are in a different league. Every photographer knows that a portrait should show more than just a person’s physical appearance. A good portrait should also convey some of the character and spirit of the person. How many of your competitors know how to do this? Do you?

If you’ve read Volume One you’ll know a lot more about posing than most. You should be able to produce a pose in almost any situation and come up with variations on that pose too. But can you use your poses to convey attitude and character? Can you add distinction to your work? Do you have a consistent step-by-step method that enables you to extend the types of poses you can produce?
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Photography Posing Secrets – The Photographers Essential Guide

Posing Secrets – Vol. 1 is ‘must’ reading for anyone interested in all types of photographing the Human Form. With its ‘in-depth’ description and its illustrated way of how to pose a model, this book excels.

No matter how many years experience you have of posing models, this book will help you to find new ways.
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